10 Mar, 2018
4 commits
Needs a bit of tidying up for clarity, and a number of bare excepts mean that it is not fully PEP8
…Code runs, but lines do not appear!
09 Mar, 2018
19 commits
…wake of the latest live-plot demo work
… but scale/limit calculation seems to be correct
…older version moved to version1. Same file, but there's no such thing as git cp, and the file in its current state should be preserved for use with the old graph plotter
…nges to error reporting to use logging better, and broadening an exception, as the type specifically suggested doesn't seem to exist. (This should probably be fixed more carefully at some point). Code does now work on uni PCs, at least up to failure to find a serial port, which is handled correctly.
tested on windows host
08 Mar, 2018
17 commits