MTL_analytic_solution.F90 3.08 KB
! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels for Spice. 
! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace 
! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK.
! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 University of Nottingham
! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the 
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! FILE CONTENTS (within include files)
!frequency_domain_analysis.F90:     SUBROUTINE frequency_domain_analysis
!time_domain_analysis.F90:          SUBROUTINE time_domain_analysis
!frequency_domain_MTL_solution.F90: SUBROUTINE frequency_domain_MTL_solution
!incident_field_excitation.F90:     SUBROUTINE calc_incident_field_components
!incident_field_excitation.F90:     SUBROUTINE calculate_incident_field_sources
!incident_field_excitation.F90:     SUBROUTINE calculate_ZT_incident_field_sources
!incident_field_excitation.F90:     SUBROUTINE calc_incident_field_FD_values
!incident_field_excitation.F90:     SUBROUTINE calc_incident_field_FD_values_GP
!incident_field_excitation.F90:     SUBROUTINE calculate_lumped_incident_field_sources
!modal_decomposition.F90:           SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_global
!modal_decomposition.F90:           SUBROUTINE calc_eigenvectors
!modal_decomposition.F90:           SUBROUTINE test_decomposition
!modal_decomposition_LC.F90:        SUBROUTINE modal_decomposition_LC
!modal_decomposition_LC.F90:        SUBROUTINE orthogonal_transformation
!modal_decomposition_LC.F90:        SUBROUTINE normalise_matrix_columns
!propagation_correction_filters.F90:SUBROUTINE calculate_propagation_correction_filters
! Name
!    MTL_analytical_solution
! Description
!     module which combines the subroutines relating to multi-conductor transmission line analysis
! Comments:
! History
!     started 12/01/16 CJS

MODULE MTL_analytic_solution

USE type_specifications



include 'modal_decomposition_LC.F90'

include 'modal_decomposition.F90'

include 'frequency_domain_analysis.F90'

include 'time_domain_analysis.F90'

include 'frequency_domain_MTL_solution.F90'

include 'propagation_correction_filters.F90'

include 'incident_field_excitation.F90'

END MODULE MTL_analytic_solution