CmdGnuCapGEN.hpp 3.35 KB
//                                         CmdGnuCapGEN.hpp                                        *
//                                        ------------------                                       *
// Description : This class contains values associated with the GNU-Cap GENERATOR command. It      *
//               inherits from the class CmdBase.                                                  *
// Started     : 2008-03-11                                                                        *
// Last Update : 2015-04-16                                                                        *
// Copyright   : (C) 2008-2016 MSWaters                                                            *

//                                                                                                 *
//      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the          *
//      terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;      *
//      either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                    *
//                                                                                                 *


// Application Includes

#include "TypeDefs.hpp"
#include "base/CmdBase.hpp"
#include "utility/CnvtType.hpp"
#include "netlist/CpntNgsIndSrc.hpp"

class CpntNgsIndSrc;

// Local Macro and/or Constant Declarations

#define  GCP_AMPLITUDE   wxT("1.0")
#define  GCP_OFFSET      wxT("0.0")

#define  GCP_SINFREQ     wxT("1.0K")
#define  GCP_SINPHASE    wxT("0.0")

#define  GCP_PULINITIAL  wxT("0.0")
#define  GCP_PULMIN      wxT("0.0")
#define  GCP_PULMAX      wxT("0.0")
#define  GCP_PULDELAY    wxT("0.0m")
#define  GCP_PULRISE     wxT("0.0m")
#define  GCP_PULWIDTH    wxT("0.0m")
#define  GCP_PULFALL     wxT("0.0m")
#define  GCP_PULPERIOD   wxT("0.0m")


class CmdGnuCapGEN : public CmdBase
  private :

    virtual  bool  bValidate( void );

  public :

    // Overall source characteristics
    wxString  m_osAmplitude;
    wxString  m_osOffset;

    // Sinusoidal source characteristics
    wxString  m_osSinFreq;
    wxString  m_osSinPhase;

    // Pulse source characteristics
    wxString  m_osPulInitial;
    wxString  m_osPulMin;
    wxString  m_osPulMax;
    wxString  m_osPulDelay;
    wxString  m_osPulRise;
    wxString  m_osPulWidth;
    wxString  m_osPulFall;
    wxString  m_osPulPeriod;

                   CmdGnuCapGEN( void );
    virtual       ~CmdGnuCapGEN( );

    virtual  bool  bSetDefaults( void );

    virtual  bool  bParse ( void );
    virtual  bool  bFormat( void );

    CmdGnuCapGEN & operator = ( const CpntNgsIndSrc & roIndSrc );

             void  Print( const wxString & rosPrefix=wxT("  ") );
