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Installation Instructions For gSpiceUI vSACAMOS

This file is part of SACAMOS, cable models for EMI simulations in SPICE. It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK.

Copyright (C) 2015-2017 University of Nottingham

SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at>.

The University of Nottingham can be contacted at:


  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation: i) wxWidgets on Linux ii) wxWidgets on MS Windows iii) gSpiceUI vSACAMOS on Linux iv) gSpiceUI vSACAMOS on MS Windows v) installation note on Ngspice for MS Windows

1. Introduction

gSpiceUI vSACAMOS (version SACAMOS) is a lightly modified version of gSpiceUI authored by Mike Waters ( The modifications do not alter the intended functionality of the original project but simply add an additional set of menu commands, which guide the user through the steps required to utilise the Spice sub-circuits generated by SACAMOS, i.e.:

i)    Import the symbols generated by SACAMOS into gschem
ii)   Launch gschem to design a schematic
iii)  Generate the netlist against which ro run the Ngspice solver
iv)   View the results using gnuplot

2. Requirements

gSpiceUI vSACAMOS is reliant on the following:

i. compilation : wxWidgets library (essential to compile gSpiceUI vSACAMOS) ii. gschem : schematic capture component of gEDA iii. gnetlist : netlist generation component of gEDA iv. Ngspice : circuit simulator v. gnuplot : graphing utility

3. Installation

The software can be compiled on Linux, MS Windows and OSX platforms. For the most part pre-built binaries of the requisite software are available for all of these platforms and it is recommended that these be used where available.

This document will not cover the installation of the gEDA suite or gnuplot. However it will outline the steps neccessary to install wxWidgets and gSpiceUI vSACAMOS. At the time of writing the gEDA suite could be found here:

for Linux/MAC OSX:

and Windows:

Snapshots of the necessary installation material taken at the time of writing can be found here:

NOTE: gSpiceUI vSACAMOS relies on the location of all the requirements being included in the 'PATH' of the OS. Therefore ensure the location of all the relevant binary files are added to you system PATH. i.e.add locations of gschem, gnetlist, Ngspice and gnuplot binary executable to your system PATH.

i. Installation of wxWidgets on Linux

Download and extract the wxWidgets library from:

Version 3.0.2 had been used throughout the development of SACAMOS. For full information refer to the installation guide(s) on the website or with the 'docs' folder of the download. The simplest approach is to enter the root folder of the extracted download and do:

mkdir buildgtk
cd buildgtk
../configure --with-gtk
su <type root password>
make install
[if you get "ldconfig: command not found", try using "/sbin/ldconfig"]

ii. Installation of wxWidgets on MS Windows

The following has been tested on MS Windows 7 & 10. The installation of wxWidgets on MS Windows make use of MinGW ("Minimalist GNU for Windows") and MSYS ("Minimal SYStem") to build native windows applications via a command line environment. To install wxWidgets you therefore need to install MinGW/MSYS.

i. Install MinGW and MSYS:

Download the installer (mingw-get-setup.exe) from: Run the installer and select as a minimum the components C & C++ and MSYS. Install these components by selecting 'Apply Changes' from the Installation menu.

Note: Installation in the root of your hard drive is recommended.

Once installed Ensure that the file C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\etc\fstab and contains at least the following line itself followed by an empty line (this is generally already the case):

C:\MinGW   /mingw

Navigate to C:\mingw\msys\1.0 and run msys.bat. to create your 'home' directory at C:\mingw\msys\1.0\home[your user name] Once run create a shortcut to msys.bat and copy it to your desktop. Double clicking this will now open a terminal/shell and out you within your home directory.

ii. Install wxWidgets

Download and extract the wxWidgets library from:

For example download '' and extract this to a folder in the root of your hard drive e.g.


Open a MSYS shell and navigate to the wxWidgets folder, e.g:

cd c:\wxWidgets\wxWidgets-3.0.2

Create a build folder and change directory into it, e.g. mkdir build-msw cd build-msw

Run the wxWidgets configure script (for full options refer to the installation instructions bu the following is known to work):

../configure --build=x86-winnt-mingw32 --disable-shared --disable-threads

Build wxWidgets:


Install wxWidgets:

make install

iii. Installation of gSpiceUI on Linux

Download the gSpiceUI vSACAMOS source (for Linux) from:

Extract the archive into a folder within your home directory e.g.

C\home\[you user name]\gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS

Open a terminal and navigate to the gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS folder, e.g:

cd gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS

Build gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS


Install gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS

su <type root password>
make install

iv. Installation of gSpiceUI on MS Windows

Download the gSpiceUI vSACAMOS source (for Windows) from:

Extract the archive into a folder within your MSYS home directory e.g.


Open a MSYS shell and navigate to the gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS folder, e.g:

cd gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS

Build gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS


and all being well that sound be it and the binary executable can be found in the \bin folder.

v. Installation note for Ngpice on MS Windows

Download the Ngspice source code from:

For example download '' and extract this to a folder in your MSYS home directtory, e.g:

C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\[your user name]\Ngspice-26

Open a MSYS shell and navigate to the Ngspice folder, e.g:

cd ngspice-26
mkdir release
cd release

Note: As opposed to the installation instruction for MS Windows in the Ngspice documentation you do not want to build Ngspice with GUI support (this is taken care of now by gSpiceUI_vSACAMOS), so omit the '--with-wingui' option, but do include XSpice enhancements i.e.

../configure --enable-xspice ...and other options
make install

NOTE: gSpiceUI vSACAMOS relies on the location of all the requirements being included in the 'PATH' of the OS. Therfore ensure the location of all the relevant binary files are added to you system PATH. i.e. add locations of gschem, gnetlist, Ngspice and gnuplot binary executable to your system PATH.