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The following is a typical walk through the installation of wxWidgets and the steps neccessary to build the SACAMOS GUI for Ubuntu Linux version 16.04.2

INSTALL wxWidgets

  1. Download the wxWidgets source from:

Note: The latest stable release is the recommended version version 3.0.2.

  1. Extract the source code and enter the root folder, then do: ./configure

Inspect the output and make note of any reported missing dependancies and install, typically for a fresh Ubuntu install this would be GTK+2.0

e.g To install GTK+3.0: sudo apt-get install gtk+3.0

Once ./configure runs succesfully:


This could take some time...

Following a succesful make

sudo make install
  1. cd /usr/local/lib/wx/config/

    sudo dos2unix gtk*-unicode-3.*

where the wildcard * can be replaced by information specific to your version of GTK+.

Build SW1

Download the SW1 source (for Linux) from:

Extract the archive into a folder within your home directory e.g.

/home/[your user name]/SACAMOS_SRC

Open a terminal and navigate to the SACAMOS_SRC folder, e.g:


Build SW1

make -f makefile.simple 

Copy the SW1 binary executable to the folder [SACAMOS]/BIN e.g.:


this will copy the SW1 executable to the SACAMOS /BIN folder (the location of the of the command line tools).