overshield_2.shield_model 2.65 KB
   5.0000000000000001E-003  # Parameter Shield radius (m)
   6.2500000000000015E-005  # Parameter Equivalent shield thickness (m)
   50000000.000000000       # Parameter Shield conductivity (S/m)
 # Transfer impedance model
   628318530.71795857        # w normalisation constant
           6   # a order, a coefficients follow below:
   1.0187397735161184E-002   3.5842680574170149        85.114992402683157        526.07333453152262        1308.1309844214916        1460.8303657166405        709.46062984147602     
           5   # b order, b coefficients follow below:
   1.0000000000000000        23.599449123864325        145.90222072648217        362.78999275303266        405.14016972906620        196.75864271144215     
 Conductor surface impedance model
   628318530.71795857        # w normalisation constant
           4   # a order, a coefficients follow below:
   1.0212715803263406E-002  0.71195958009395321        5.3506073569944022        8.7195413994947621        2.7707620178335786     
           4   # b order, b coefficients follow below:
   1.0000000000000000        18.987055251519244        64.911367837365901        49.386334031367127        4.7789439058672514     
 # Shield parameters used in the shield model calculation
 braid circummference, cb=   3.1415926535897934E-002
 C=          20  Number of carriers
 N=           4  Number of conductors in each carrier
 W=   1.0000000000000000E-003  Width of each carrier
 W=   1.9999999999999996E-003  Width of each carrier in circumferential direction
 cb/(C/2)=   3.1415926535897933E-003  circumferential dimension for each carrier (note overlap)
 P=   551.32889542179180     
 v=   11026.577908435836        Number of holes per unit length in braid
 F=  0.63661977236758116        Fill factor
 K=  0.86795481016581144        Optical coverage
 l=   1.1415926535897939E-003   hole length
 w=   1.9772964775648994E-003   hole width
 S=   1.7728534603648236E-006   hole area
 req=   7.5121021238350215E-004   hole equivalent radius
 k=   2449.3809717547574        hole cutoff k value
 Ck=  0.86476701235932429        hole inductance factor
 Ro   1.0185916357881299E-002   braid d.c. resistance
 T    6.2500000000000015E-005   braid equivalent thickness
 mean braid diameter, Dm=   1.0500000000000001E-002
 Width between holes,  b=   6.4933614313464187E-004
 Average height for braid inductance,  hh=   1.3899141155865449E-004
 M12= (  3.0912589693422393E-009,  0.0000000000000000     )  Hole inductance
 Mb = (  2.6474554582600830E-009,  0.0000000000000000     )  Braid inductance
 Ms= (  0.0000000000000000     ,  0.0000000000000000     )  Skin inductance
 M= (  5.7387144276023223E-009,  0.0000000000000000     )  Total transfer inductance