bibliography.tex 2 KB

C. Smartt, D.W.P. Thomas, S. Greedy, J. Verpoorte, J. Lansink Rotgerink
\textsl{SACAMOS User Guide}

\textsl{Analysis of Multi-conductor Transmission Lines}, 
Second edition, John Wiley \& Sons, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-13154-1.

A.K.~Agrawal, H.J.~Price, S.H.~Gurbaxani,
\textsl{Transient Response of Multiconductor Transmission Lines Excited by a Nonuniform Electromagnetic Field}, 
IEEE Trans EMC, Vol 22, No 2, pp 119-129, 1980.

\textsl{Principles of Dielectrics},
Oxford University Press, 1998

\textsl{The Electromagnetic Theory of Coaxial Transmission Lines and Cylindrical Shields}, 
Bell System Technical Journal,Vol 13, No 4, pp 532-579, 1934.

\textsl{A SPICE Model for Multiconductor Transmission Lines Excited by an Incident Electromagnetic Field}, 
IEEE Trans EMC, Vol 36, No 4, pp 342-354, 1994.

H.~Xie, J.~Wang, R.~Fan, Y.~Liu,
\textsl{SPICE Models to Analyze Radiated and Conducted Susceptibilities of Shielded Coaxial Cables}, 
IEEE Trans EMC, Vol 52, No 1, pp 215-222, 2010.

J-M ~Jin, 
\textsl{The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics} 
3rd Edition, John Wiley \& sons 2014.

Q. Chen, A. Konrad, 
\textsl{A Review of Finite Element Open Boundary Techniques for Static and Quasi-Static Electromagnetic Field Problems}, 
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.33, No 1, January 1997
\textsl{Principles of Dielectrics},
Oxford University Press, 1998

\textsl{The Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications},
Prentice Hall, 1988.


J.F.~Dawson, J.A.~Cole, S.J.~Porter,
\textsl{Modelling of transmission and reflection of thin layers for EMC applications in TLM.}
 10th international conference on EMC, 1997 pp65-70.