gspiceui.1 1.93 KB
.TH "gspiceui" "22" "January 2014" "Mike Waters" "User Commands"
gspiceui \- GUI frontend for various electronic circuit simulation engines

\fBgspiceui\fR [\-v] [\-h] [\-r RCFILE] [\-c] [\-s SIMENG] [\-a ANA] [\-g [PROC]] [\-w VIEWER] [FILE/S]

GNU SPICE GUI is intended to provide a GUI for various freely available
electronic circuit simulation engines ie. GNU\-Cap and NG\-Spice. It uses
gnetlist to convert schematic files to net list files and gWave or Gaw to
display simulation results. gSchem is the preferred schematic capture tool.

\fIgspiceui\fP accepts the following options :

.TP 12
Print version information.

.TP 12
Print usage information.

.TP 12
Enable debug mode (generates console spew on standard error).

.TP 12
\fB\-r RCFILE\fR
Specify a configuration file.

.TP 12
Rebuild/clean the configuration file.

.TP 12
\fB\-s SIMENG\fR
Specify the simulation engine to be used.

.TP 12
\fB\-a ANA\fR
Specify the analysis page to be displayed.

.TP 12
\fB\-g [PROC]\fR
Specify the guile procedure which is executed to create the netlist.

.TP 12
\fB\-w VIEWER\fR
Specify the waveform viewer to be used.

.TP 12
Specify a circuit description file to load or schematic file/s to import. If multiple
schematics files are specified they are read sequentially and parsed with the assumption
that they are all part of the same design. Any file/s must be specified at the end of
the command line.

.TP 12
NOTE : Option -s should come before -a if both are specified.

Report bugs to <mwaters517_AT_gmail_DOT_com>.

Written by Mike Waters

\fBgschem\fR (1), \fBgnetlist\fR (1), \fBngspice\fR (1), \fBgnucap\fR (1), \fBgwave\fR (1), \fBgaw\fR (1)
Copyright \(co 2003\-2014 Mike Waters

This document can be freely redistributed according to the terms of the GNU
General Public License version 3