CmdGnuCapOPT.hpp 11 KB
//                                         CmdGnuCapOPT.hpp                                        *
//                                        ------------------                                       *
// Description : This class contains values associated with the GNU-Cap OPTIONS command. It        *
//               inherits from the class CmdBase.                                                  *
// Started     : 2006-09-11                                                                        *
// Last Update : 2015-03-07                                                                        *
// Copyright   : (C) 2006-2016 MSWaters                                                            *
// Note : The following defaults where generated by GNU-Cap on 2014-03-27 (run gnucap end enter    *
//        options command without arguments) :                                                     *
//                                                                                                 *
//        * i/o                                                                                    *
//        .options  noacct nolist clobber out=9999 ydivisions=4.0 phase=degrees harmonics=9 edit   *
//                  language=acs insensitive units=spice recursion=20                              *
//        * accuracy, i/o                                                                          *
//        .options  numdgt=5 floor=1.E-21 vfloor=1.f roundofftol=100.f                             *
//        * accuracy, tolerances                                                                   *
//        .options  gmin= 1.0p short=10.0u reltol=0.001 abstol=1.0p vntol= 1.0u trtol=7.0          *
//                  chgtol=10.0f pivtol=100.0f bypasstol=0.1 loadtol=0.1                           *
//        * accuracy, algorithms                                                                   *
//        .options  method=trap bypass incmode lcbypass lubypass fbbypass traceload order=auto     *
//                  mode=mixed transits=2 noquitconvfail                                           *
//        * iteration limiting and heuristics                                                      *
//        .options  itl1=100 itl2=50 itl3=6 itl4=20 itl5=0 itl6=5000 itl7=1 itl8=99 itermin=1      *
//                  vmax=5.0 vmin=-5.0 dampmax=1.0 dampmin=0.5 dampstrategy=0                      *
//        * time step control                                                                      *
//        .options  dtmin=1.0p dtratio=1.0G trstepgrow=1.E+99 trstephold=1.E+99 trstepshrink=2.0   *
//                  trreject=0.5 trsteporder=3 trstepcoef1=0.25 trstepcoef2=0.04166667             *
//                  trstepcoef3=0.005208333                                                        *
//        * circuit environment                                                                    *
//        .options  tnom= 27.0 temperature=27.0 rstray cstray defl=100.0u defw=100.0u defad=0.0    *
//                  defas=0.0                                                                      *

//                                                                                                 *
//      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the          *
//      terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;      *
//      either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                    *
//                                                                                                 *


// Application Includes

#include "TypeDefs.hpp"
#include "base/CmdBase.hpp"
#include "ngspice/commands/CmdNgSpiceOPT.hpp"
#include "utility/CnvtType.hpp"

class CmdNgSpiceOPT;

// wxWidgets Includes

#include <wx/tokenzr.h>

// Local Macro and/or Constant Declarations

#define  GCP_ABSTOL    wxT("1.0pA")     // Absolute  error tolerance
#define  GCP_CHGTOL    wxT("10.0fC")    // Charge    error tolerance
#define  GCP_RELTOL    wxT("0.001")     // Relative  error tolerance (0.001 = 0.1%)
#define  GCP_TRTOL     wxT("7.0")       // Transient error tolerance
#define  GCP_VNTOL     wxT("1.0uV")     // Voltage   error tolerance (Volt)
#define  GCP_DEFL      wxT("100.0um")   // MOSFET default channel length (metre)
#define  GCP_DEFW      wxT("100.0um")   // MOSFET default channel width  (metre)
#define  GCP_DEFAD     wxT("0.0")       // MOSFET default drain  diffusion area (sq.m)
#define  GCP_DEFAS     wxT("0.0")       // MOSFET default source diffusion area (sq.m)
#define  GCP_GMIN      wxT("1.0pS")     // Minimum conductance to ground (Siemen)
#define  GCP_SHORT     wxT("100.0nOhm") // Resistance of voltage source or short (Ohm)
#define  GCP_TEMP      wxT("27.0Deg.C") // Ambient temperature of the circuit (Deg.C)
#define  GCP_TNOM      wxT("27.0Deg.C") // Nominal temperature at which device parameters are measured (Deg.C)
#define  GCP_DAMPMAX   wxT("1.0")       // Newton damping factor in normal  cases
#define  GCP_DAMPMIN   wxT("0.5")       // Newton damping factor in problem cases
#define  GCP_DTMIN     wxT("1.0pSec")   // Smallest internal time step in TR analysis
#define  GCP_DTRATIO   wxT("1.0E9")     // Ratio between min. and max. time step
#define  GCP_TRREJECT  wxT("0.5")       // Transient error rejection threshold
#define  GCP_TRSTEPG   wxT("1.0E99")    // Max. internal step size growth in TR analysis
#define  GCP_TRSTEPH   wxT("1.0E99")    // Max. internal step size growth in TR analysis when iteration exceeds it13 but still converges
#define  GCP_TRSTEPS   wxT("2.0")       // Amount to shrink step size when convergence fails in TR anaylis
#define  GCP_ROUND     wxT("1.0E-13")   // Numeric rounding tolerance
#define  GCP_FLOOR     wxT("1.0E-21")   // Effective zero value
#define  GCP_VFLOOR    wxT("1.0fV")     // Effective zero value for voltage probes
#define  GCP_VMAX      wxT("5.0V")      // Initial positive node voltage limit (Volt)
#define  GCP_VMIN      wxT("-5.0V")     // Initial negative node voltage limit (Volt)

#define  GCP_HARMS     wxT("9")         // Number of harmonics to display in FO analysis
#define  GCP_ITL1      wxT("100")       // DC iteration limit
#define  GCP_ITL2      wxT("50")        // DC transfer curve   iteration limit (not used in GNU-Cap)
#define  GCP_ITL3      wxT("6")         // Transient lower     iteration limit
#define  GCP_ITL4      wxT("20")        // Transient upper     iteration limit
#define  GCP_ITL5      wxT("0")         // Transient total     iteration limit (not used in GNU-Cap)
#define  GCP_ITL6      wxT("5000")      // Source stepping     iteration limit (not used in GNU-Cap)
#define  GCP_ITL7      wxT("1")         // Worst case analysis iteration limit
#define  GCP_ITL8      wxT("100")       // Convergence diagnostic iteration threshold
#define  GCP_ITERMIN   wxT("1")         // Number of extra iterations after convergence
#define  GCP_NUMDGT    wxT("5")         // Precision : no. of digits after decimal point
#define  GCP_RECURS    wxT("20")        // Limit recursion levels in expression evaluation
#define  GCP_TRANSITS  wxT("2")         // Mixed mode transition count

#define  GCP_METHOD    wxT("Trap")      // Differentiation method (TRAPezoidal and/or EULER)
#define  GCP_MODE      wxT("Mixed")     // Simulation mode (analog, digital or mixed)
#define  GCP_ORDER     wxT("Auto")      // Equation ordering (forward, reverse or auto)
#define  GCP_PHASE     wxT("Degrees")   // Phase angle units : degrees or radians

#define  GCP_OPTS      false            // Enable printing of option values
#define  GCP_BYPASS    true             // Bypass model evaluation if appropriate
#define  GCP_FBBYPASS  true             // Skip matrix solution the last iteration
#define  GCP_LCBYPASS  true             // Bypass evaluation of linear ind. & cap. when possible
#define  GCP_LUBYPASS  true             // Bypass parts of LU decomposition if appropriate
#define  GCP_INCMODE   true             // Incrementally update the matrix
#define  GCP_TRACEL    true             // Only load changed elements to the matrix
#define  GCP_CSTRAY    true             // Include capacitance in device models
#define  GCP_RSTRAY    false            // Include series resistance in device models
#define  GCP_QUITCONV  false            // Quit on convergence failure in TR analysis

#define  GCP_DAMPST    wxT("0x00")      // Damping strategy flags : 0x01 | 0x02 | 0x04 | 0x10 | 0x20 ??? Not implemented correctly


class CmdGnuCapOPT : public CmdBase
  private :

    virtual  bool  bValidate( void );

  public :

    // Options which are floating point values
    wxString  m_osABSTOL;
    wxString  m_osCHGTOL;
    wxString  m_osDAMPMAX;
    wxString  m_osDAMPMIN;
    wxString  m_osDEFL;
    wxString  m_osDEFW;
    wxString  m_osDEFAD;
    wxString  m_osDEFAS;
    wxString  m_osDTMIN;
    wxString  m_osDTRATIO;
    wxString  m_osFLOOR;
    wxString  m_osGMIN;
    wxString  m_osRELTOL;
    wxString  m_osROUND;
    wxString  m_osSHORT;
    wxString  m_osTEMP;
    wxString  m_osTNOM;
    wxString  m_osTRREJECT;
    wxString  m_osTRSTEPG;
    wxString  m_osTRSTEPH;
    wxString  m_osTRSTEPS;
    wxString  m_osTRTOL;
    wxString  m_osVFLOOR;
    wxString  m_osVMAX;
    wxString  m_osVMIN;
    wxString  m_osVNTOL;

    // Options which are integer values
    wxString  m_osDAMPST;
    wxString  m_osHARMS;
    wxString  m_osITL1;
    wxString  m_osITL2;
    wxString  m_osITL3;
    wxString  m_osITL4;
    wxString  m_osITL5;
    wxString  m_osITL6;
    wxString  m_osITL7;
    wxString  m_osITL8;
    wxString  m_osITERMIN;
    wxString  m_osNUMDGT;
    wxString  m_osRECURS;
    wxString  m_osTRANSITS;

    // Options which are string values
    wxString  m_osMETHOD;
    wxString  m_osMODE;
    wxString  m_osORDER;
    wxString  m_osPHASE;

    // Options which are boolean values
    bool      m_bBYPASS;
    bool      m_bCSTRAY;
    bool      m_bFBBYPASS;
    bool      m_bINCMODE;
    bool      m_bLUBYPASS;
    bool      m_bOPTS;
    bool      m_bQUITCONV;
    bool      m_bRSTRAY;
    bool      m_bTRACEL;

                   CmdGnuCapOPT( void );
    virtual       ~CmdGnuCapOPT( );

    virtual  bool  bSetDefaults( void );

    virtual  bool  bParse ( void );
    virtual  bool  bFormat( void );

    CmdGnuCapOPT & operator = ( const CmdNgSpiceOPT & roCmdOPT );

             void  Print( const wxString & rosPrefix=wxT("  ") );
