gEDA-gSpiceUI.html 3.05 KB

What is gSpiceUI?
What does it look like?
Who is the author of gspiceui?
What can gSpiceUI do?
What features are missing from gspiceui?
What does the version number mean?
Where can I download the latest version?

What is gSpiceUI?

The name gSpiceUI is an abbreviation of the project title GNU SPICE GUI which
is itself an acronym standing for Gnu is Not Unix Simulation Program with
Integrated Circuit Emphasis Graphical User Interface. It is intended to provide
a GUI for two freely available electronic circuit simulation engines : GNU-Cap
and NG-Spice.

What does it look like?

Here is a page of current screenshots.

Who is the author of gspiceui?

Mike Waters

What can gSpiceUI do?

Current features:

 * Import gschem schematic files using gentlist.
 * Load and parse circuit description (net list) files.
 * Provides a GUI interface for GNU-Cap OP, DC, AC and Transient analyses and
   generates appropriate simulator commands based on user input.
 * Provides a GUI interface for Ng-Spice DC, AC and Transient analyses and
   generates appropriate simulator commands based on user input.
 * The raw output may be viewed for any processes initiated by gspiceui.
 * Formatting of simulator output so that it may be plotted using gwave.

What features are missing from gspiceui?

Wish list features:

 * Complete GUI interface for NG-Spice.
 * Complete GUI interface for GNU-Cap.
 * Place buttons to select and de-select all items in "Nodes" and "Components"
   list boxes.
 * List sub-circuit component labels (eg. R1.X2) in the "Components" list box.
 * Create simulator engine selection/configuration dialogue.
 * Create tool bar with the following buttons:
     Open Import Reload Close | Create Run Stop | View
 * Give the user the option of deleting all files generated by GSpiceUI on
   close or exit.
 * Develop a mechanism so that the user can enter model parameters (eg. from a
   data book) to be converted into model definitions in a library of components.
 * Add configuration file functionality.
 * Allow the user to specify the results precision; a lower precision makes the
   raw data easier to read, a higher precision gives more accuracy / resolution.
 * Use standard component values in PnlValue controls displaying R, L or C
 * Automatically add .MODEL statements to net list file if they are missing.

What is the current version?

The version numbering scheme uses the format: vA.B.CD
  A  is the major release number (rarely updated).
  B  is the minor release number (infrequently updated).
  CD is the modification increment number (incremented as a result of almost
     any modification).
For example version 1.0 would be designated v1.0.00, any version with a major
release number of 0 is pre-version 1.0. Until version 1.0.00 is released the
version number will represent a percentage of the development completed towards
version 1.0.00. Eg. v0.5.60 would signify that roughly %56 of the development
effort has been completed towards version 1.0.00.

Where can I download it?

gEDA's download page.