Makefile 13.2 KB
#                                             Makefile                                             *
#                                            ----------                                            *
# Description : Build system for the GNU SPICE GUI project C++ source files.                       *
# Started     : 2003-03-18                                                                         *
# Last update : 2016-11-06                                                                         *
# Copyright   : (C) 2003-2016 MSWaters                                                             *

#                                                                                                  *
#       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the          *
#       terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;      *
#       either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                    *
#                                                                                                  *

# Any or all of the values in this section may be set below or on the command line when envoking
# make eg. :
# Note : Values specified on the command line over-ride those specified below.

# Create bin file containing debug information (ie. for gdb)

# Specify the version of the wxWidgets library to compile against

# Specify the install directory
DESTDIR = /usr/local/bin

# Specify string values

# Which compiler and linker
CXX = g++
LD  = g++

# Application name
PROG = gspiceui

# wxWidgets configuration utility
WXCFG = wx-config --unicode --version=$(GSPICEUI_WXLIB)

# Dependency file
DEPS = Makefile.deps

# Directories
# Long winded but unambiguous
#ROOT     := $(shell cd .. ; pwd)
# Short form but possibly ambiguous
ROOT       = ..
SRCDIR     = $(ROOT)/src
OBJDIR     = obj
BINDIR     = $(ROOT)/bin

# Compiler options :
#  -Wall         Enable all optional warnings desirable for normal code
#  -Wextra       Enable extra warning flags not enabled by "-Wall"
#  -pipe         Use pipes rather than temp. files for comms. between various stages of compilation
#  -O0           Reduce compilation time but don't break debugging (this is the default)
#  -O1           Optimize
#  -O2           Optimize even more
#  -O3           Optimize yet more
#  -Ofast        Optimize till it hurts : "-O3" + enable opts not valid for all standard-compliants
#  -Os           Optimize for size
#  -Og           Optimize debugging experience but don't break debugging
#  -std=[C++NO]  The C++ standard to use where C++NO is eg. c++98, c++03, c++11, c++14, c++1z, etc.
ifeq ($(GSPICEUI_DBG),0)
  # Options for release (not using -Wall since it's GCC specific)
  CXXFLAGS := -O3 -pipe $(shell $(WXCFG) --cxxflags)
  # Options for development
  CXXFLAGS := -g -Og -Wall -Wextra -pipe $(shell $(WXCFG) --cxxflags)

# Suppress warnings not of interest
CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-misleading-indentation
# The following suppresses spurious warnings from gcc with wxWidgets v2.8.12
ifeq ($(GSPICEUI_WXLIB),2.8)
  CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-local-typedefs

# Includes

# Libraries
# (The pkg-config stuff was requested by a user, somehow pangox was missing)
LIBS := $(shell $(WXCFG) --libs core,base,html) $(shell pkg-config --libs-only-l pangox)

# Source files
#HDRS := $(wildcard *.hpp) $(wildcard */*.hpp) $(wildcard */*/*.hpp)
SRCS := $(wildcard *.cpp) $(wildcard */*.cpp) $(wildcard */*/*.cpp)

# Objects
OBJS := $(filter-out tests/%.cpp, $(OBJS))
OBJS := $(notdir $(OBJS))
OBJS := $(patsubst %.cpp, obj/%.o, $(OBJS))

# Specify list of directories that `make' should search for prerequisite files

# Set search paths for the specific file types
vpath   %.cpp    base main netlist process utility tests                 \
	               ngspice ngspice/commands ngspice/dialogs ngspice/panels \
	               gnucap  gnucap/commands  gnucap/dialogs  gnucap/panels
vpath   %.o      $(OBJDIR)
vpath   test_%   $(BINDIR)

# Make these targets

all : bnr_beg $(OBJS) $(PROG) bnr_end

bnr_beg :
	@echo -e "\n**************************** Build gSpiceUI binary ****************************\n"

bnr_end :
	@echo -e "\n*************************** Build process completed ***************************\n"

# Rules to make targets

# Compiler Rules :
#   $<  is the name of the first dependency
#   $@  is the file name of the target
#   -c  compile only, don't link, produces object file ie. <name>.o files
#   -o  place output file in $@

$(OBJDIR)/%.o : %.cpp
	$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< -o $@

# Linker Rules :
#   -pipe  use pipes rather temporary files for interprocess communications
#   -o     specify the output file name

	$(LD) -pipe -o $(BINDIR)/$(PROG) obj/*.o $(LIBS)
ifeq ($(ROOT)/,$(wildcard $(ROOT)/
	cp $(BINDIR)/$(PROG) $(ROOT)/

# Include the dependencies file

ifeq ($(DEPS),$(wildcard $(DEPS)))
  include $(DEPS)

# Create the dependencies file

deps :
	@echo -e "\n***************************** Build dependencies ******************************\n"
	$(CXX) -MM -D wxCHECK_VERSION="" -I. $(SRCS) | \
	gawk 'BEGIN {} { printf "%s%s\n", (index($$0," ")!=1 ? "$(OBJDIR)/" : ""), $$0 }' > $(DEPS)
	@echo -e "\n**************************** Build deps completed *****************************\n"

# Build the test utilities

tests : test_Component test_NetList test_CnvtType test_CmdNgSpiceOPT test_CmdNgSpicePR           \
	      test_CmdNgSpiceDC test_CmdNgSpiceAC test_CmdNgSpiceTR test_CmdGnuCapOPT test_CmdGnuCapPR \
	      test_CmdGnuCapOP  test_CmdGnuCapDC  test_CmdGnuCapAC  test_CmdGnuCapTR  test_CmdGnuCapFO \
	      test_CmdGnuCapGEN test_StrUtils test_Config test_AppConfig test_AppPnlValue

# Compiler options

test_% : CXXFLAGS  = -Wall -g -pipe $(shell $(WXCFG) --cxxflags)
ifeq ($(GSPICEUI_WXLIB),2.8)  # This suppresses spurious warnings from gcc with wxWidgets v2.8.12
  test_% : CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-local-typedefs
test_% : CXXFLAGS += -D $(shell echo $@ | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")
# Libraries
test_% : LIBS      = $(shell $(WXCFG) --libs core,base)

# Compiler Rules for test utilities :
#   $^  is the names of all the prerequisites
#   $@  is the file name of the target

test_% : %.cpp
	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $^ -o $(BINDIR)/$@ $(LIBS)

test_StrUtils      : StrUtils.cpp Component.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CnvtType      : CnvtType.cpp
test_Config        : Config.cpp TypeDefs.cpp StrUtils.cpp Component.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_Component     : Component.cpp CnvtType.cpp StrUtils.cpp
test_NetList       : NetList.cpp Component.cpp StrUtils.cpp TypeDefs.cpp CnvtType.cpp

test_CmdNgSpiceOPT : CmdNgSpiceOPT.cpp CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdNgSpiceDC  : CmdNgSpiceDC.cpp  CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdNgSpiceAC  : CmdNgSpiceAC.cpp  CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdNgSpiceTR  : CmdNgSpiceTR.cpp  CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdNgSpicePR  : CmdNgSpicePR.cpp  CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp TypeDefs.cpp StrUtils.cpp \
                     Component.cpp NetList.cpp

test_CmdGnuCapOPT  : CmdGnuCapOPT.cpp  CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdGnuCapOP   : CmdGnuCapOP.cpp   CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdGnuCapDC   : CmdGnuCapDC.cpp   CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdGnuCapAC   : CmdGnuCapAC.cpp   CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdGnuCapTR   : CmdGnuCapTR.cpp   CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdGnuCapFO   : CmdGnuCapFO.cpp   CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdGnuCapGEN  : CmdGnuCapGEN.cpp  CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_CmdGnuCapPR   : CmdGnuCapPR.cpp   CmdBase.cpp CnvtType.cpp TypeDefs.cpp StrUtils.cpp \
	                   Component.cpp NetList.cpp

test_AppConfig     : AppConfig.cpp Config.cpp TypeDefs.cpp StrUtils.cpp Component.cpp CnvtType.cpp
test_AppPnlValue   : AppPnlValue.cpp PnlValue.cpp UnitsBase.cpp ChoUnits.cpp LblUnits.cpp \
	                   PnlTxtSpn.cpp PnlLblTxt.cpp CnvtType.cpp

# Install the application

install :
	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/bin
	cp ../bin/$(PROG) $(DESTDIR)/bin

# Uninstall the application

uninstall :
	rm -f $(DESTDIR)/bin/$(PROG)
#	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $(DESTDIR)/bin

# Check for bugs using cppcheck (a tool for static C/C++ code analysis)

check :
	@echo -e "\n************************** Perform static bug check ***************************\n"
	@cppcheck --enable=all --std=c++11 .
	@echo -e "\n************************* Static bug check completed **************************\n"

# Remove old versions of the main application binary and object files

clean :
	rm -f $(BINDIR)/$(PROG) $(OBJDIR)/*.o

# Remove old versions of test utility binaries

cleantests :
	rm -f $(BINDIR)/test_*

# Remove old versions of all application and test utility binaries and object files

cleanall : clean cleantests

# Display a help message

help :
	@echo -e "gSpiceUI source code build system. "
	@echo -e "Available make targets :"
	@echo -e "  all        - Build the application binary (default)"
	@echo -e "  deps       - Create the dependencies file"
	@echo -e "  tests      - Build the all test utilities"
	@echo -e "  test_*     - Build a particular test utility"
	@echo -e "  install    - Install   the application binary"
	@echo -e "  uninstall  - Uninstall the application binary"
	@echo -e "  check      - Check for bugs using cppcheck"
	@echo -e "  clean      - Remove the application binary and object files"
	@echo -e "  cleantests - Remove the test utility binaries"
	@echo -e "  cleanall   - Remove the application and test utility binaries and object files"
	@echo -e "  help       - Display this message"

# Specify phony targets (ie. targets which are not files)

.PHONY : bnr_beg bnr_end deps install uninstall check clean cleantests help
