release-notes-v0.9.98.txt 2.1 KB
There are two notable additions to this release. A mechanism to set the
precision of the results data and the return of component names in the NG-Spice
results. Otherwise this release mainly contains bug fixes.

I'm focusing mainly on fixing bugs at present so that version 1.0.00 is as
stable as possible when it's released. I'll be keeping a watch on the mailing
lists on SourceForge so if you've found a problem let me know so that I can fix

The following is an extract from the ChangeLog file associated with this release :

 * BugFix : In the <root>/Makefile the "install" target had the files ReadMe
            and Install in upper-case which caused the install to fail. Bug
            found by Werner H.
 * BugFix : For NG-Spice simulations columns of results where lost if more than
            three parameters where derived. Class CmdNgSpiceOPT can now set an
            appropriate page width for the number of derived parameters.
 * Updates to the text files : Authors, ChangeLog, Install, ReadMe and ToDo.
 * Add a new command line option "-c" to partially rebuild/clean the
   configuration file ie. ~/.gspiceui.conf.
 * BugFix : The command line processor was not functioning properly when the
            option "-g" was specified without an argument.
 * Some updates to the installation instructions (ie. Install).
 * BugFix : Gaw was used regardless of the setting in the Preferences dialog.
 * In <root>/src/Makefile the debug flag was set by default. This meant that
   the resulting binary was much larger than necessary. The debug flag is now
   clear by default.
 * There is a new parameter in the preferences dialog which allows the results
   precision to be specified; a lower value means the raw data is easier to
   read but a higher value provides for greater resolution.
 * Brought back the component names in the NG-Spice results column labels.
 * Much of the implementation of the method bMakeArgLst( ) in classes PrcGnuCap
   and PrcNgSpice has been moved to the base class PrcSimrBase.
 * The gSchem ".sym" files in the <root>/lib/ directory where mistakenly
   omitted from the last release.
 * Bug fixes.