SimulationsSwitchingsFun.R 3.81 KB
#' Interference values
#' Simulation of interference values at times t. Using the simple formula derived
#' analytically. 
#' @param t numerical vector
#' @param pc 1/switching frequency
#' @param duty duty cycle
#' @param t0 a numerical vector of initial starts ( assumed to be U(-pc, 0) )
#' @return a numerical vector of values of interference at times t
#' @export
#' @examples
Simulation <- function(t, pc, duty, t0, Np, A, f, lambda) {
  ii <- (seq_len(Np) - 1) * pc
  # Calculated parameters.
  A1 <- purrr::map_dbl(t0, function(.t0) sum( cos(2 * pi * f * (ii - .t0)) * exp(-lambda * (ii - .t0)) ))
  B1 <- purrr::map_dbl(t0, function(.t0) sum( sin(2 * pi * f * (ii - .t0)) * exp(-lambda * (ii - .t0)) ))
  A2 <- purrr::map_dbl(t0, function(.t0) sum( cos(2 * pi * f * (ii - duty * pc - .t0)) * exp(-lambda * (ii - duty * pc - .t0)) ))
  B2 <- purrr::map_dbl(t0, function(.t0) sum( sin(2 * pi * f * (ii - duty * pc - .t0)) * exp(-lambda * (ii - duty * pc - .t0)) ))
  y <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(t))
  for(nk in seq_along(t0)) {
    # From the reduced equation
    t1 <- t - floor((t - t0[nk]) / pc) * pc
    t2 <- t - floor((t - duty * pc - t0[nk]) / pc) * pc
    C1 <- A * exp(-lambda * (t1))
    C2 <- A * exp(-lambda * (t2))
    f1 <- C1 * (A1[nk] * sin(2 * pi * f * (t1)) + B1[nk] * cos(2 * pi * f * (t1)))
    f2 <- C2 * (A2[nk] * sin(2 * pi * f * (t2)) + B2[nk] * cos(2 * pi * f * (t2)))
    y <- y + f1 - f2

# Assuming that t0 depicts the only the moments before the first bit sent.
SimulationNormal <- function(t, pc, duty, t0, Np, FunInter) {
  t1 <- purrr::map(t0, function(.t1) .t1 + seq(-2 * Np - 1, ceiling(max(t) / pc)) * pc)
  t1 <- sort(purr::flatten_dbl(t1))
  KierWsp <- c("+" = 1, "-" = -1)
  KierV <- c("+" = 0, "-" = 1)
  y <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(t)) 
  for(.t1 in t1) {
    for(kier in c("+", "-")) {
      y <- y + KierWsp[kier] * FunInter(t - .t1 - KierV[kier] * duty * pc)

#' Instead of looping through switching instants, loop is over t
#' Since I want to check randomly chosen t for the error checking purpose.
SimulationNormalTimes <- function(t, pc, duty, t0, Np, FunInter) {
  # max(t) may induce a lot of switching instants
  t1 <- purrr::map(t0, function(.t1) .t1 + seq(-2 * Np - 1, ceiling(max(t) / pc)) * pc)
  t1 <-sort(flatten_dbl(t1))
  KierWsp <- c("+" = 1, "-" = -1)
  KierV <- c("+" = 0, "-" = 1)
  y <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(t))
  i <- 1
  for(.t in t) {
    # print(i)
    for(kier in c("+", "-")) {
      y[i] <- y[i] + sum(KierWsp[kier] * FunInter(.t - t1 - KierV[kier] * duty * pc))
    i <- i + 1

#' Simulation to check, if error comes from N_p selected values or from the equations.
SimulationNormalTimesNp <- function(t, pc, duty, t0, Np, FunInter) {
  # max(t) may induce a lot of switching instants
  # NN <- length(t0)
  t1 <- purrr::map(t0, function(.t1) .t1 + seq(-2 * Np - 1, ceiling(max(t) / pc)) * pc)
  t1 <- sort(flatten_dbl(t1))
  KierWsp <- c("+" = 1, "-" = -1)
  KierV <- c("+" = 0, "-" = 1)
  y <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(t))
  i <- 1
  for(.t in t) {
    for(kier in c("+", "-")) {
      # Take only the last Np values.
      .t1 <- t1[ (t1 + KierV[kier] * duty * pc)  < .t & (t1 + KierV[kier] * duty * pc) >= .t - Np * pc] + KierV[kier] * duty * pc
      # cat("Length .t1:", length(.t1), "-  NN * Np:", NN * Np, "\n")
      y[i] <- y[i] + sum(KierWsp[kier] * FunInter(.t - .t1))
    i <- i + 1

NpFun <- function(tol, A, lambda, pc) {
  ceiling( (log(A) - log(tol)) / (lambda * pc) )

sqwave <- function(t, t_on, duty, pc) {
  yy <- rep(c(1, 0), times = length(t_on))
  tt <- sort(c(t_on, t_on + duty * pc))
  f1 <- approxfun(tt, yy, method = "constant")