! ! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels for Spice. ! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace ! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK. ! ! Copyright (C) 2016-2018 University of Nottingham ! ! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ! for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the ! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at . ! ! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to ! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK ! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at . ! ! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk ! ! ! File Contents: ! ! SUBROUTINE PUL_LC_Laplace ! ! NAME ! SUBROUTINE PUL_LC_Laplace ! ! DESCRIPTION ! Wrapping subroutine to control the calculation of PUL_parameters by the Finite Element method ! which is implemented in Laplace.F90 ! ! The finite element mesh is greated by the open source software gmsh: see http://gmsh.info/ ! ! The process is divided into the following stages: ! STAGE 1: work out the configuration for the calculation i.e. is there a ground plane, is the outer boundary free space or a conductor (overshield) ! STAGE 2: Work out the numbers of conductors, points, lines, line loops and surfaces in the cross section geometry ! STAGE 3: Create the input file for the mesh generator, gmsh. ! STAGE 4: Call the mesh generator, gmsh ! STAGE 5: Call Laplace to calculate the L,C and G matrices, using the mesh that we have just generated ! ! COMMENTS ! This subroutine is never called in the case of a homogeneous frequency dependent dielectric region ! If this were to change then the logic of how Laplace is called in stage 5 will have to change to ! take this into account. ! ! HISTORY ! started 5/7/2016 CJS. ! add dielectric regions 13/7/2016 CJS. ! Consolidated ground_plane, overhsield and open_boundary subroutines into a single subroutine here 13/12/2016 CJS. ! 14/10/2017 CJS make the filter fitting minimum aorder=1, border=0 and ! ensure that border=aorder-1 to make the choice of model order more sensible ! 16/11/2017 CJS Include network synthesis process to replace s-domain transfer functions ! 4/3/2018 CJS Start to include the infinite ground plane option ! ! 16/3/2018 CJS add offset to x and y for shapes. Relates to ML_flex cables ! SUBROUTINE PUL_LC_Laplace(PUL,name,fit_order,freq_spec,domain) ! USE type_specifications USE constants USE general_module USE maths USE filter_module USE filter_module USE Sfilter_fit_module USE frequency_spec ! IMPLICIT NONE ! variables passed to subroutine type(PUL_type), intent(INOUT) :: PUL ! per-unit-length parameter calculation structure character(LEN=line_length),intent(IN) :: name ! string used as the base for filenames integer, intent(IN) :: fit_order ! filter fit_order for frequency dependent dielectrics type(frequency_specification),intent(IN) :: freq_spec ! filter frequency range specification for frequency dependent dielectrics integer, intent(IN) :: domain ! domain number used to label the mesh files ! parameters integer,parameter :: inside =1 integer,parameter :: outside=2 ! local variables ! flags to indicate the configuration logical :: ground_plane logical :: finite_ground_plane logical :: infinite_ground_plane logical :: overshield logical :: open_boundary ! counters and loop limits which depend on the configuration required integer :: end_conductor_loop integer :: end_conductor_to_dielectric_loop integer :: tot_n_boundaries_without_dielectric integer :: first_conductor_shape ! local variables character(LEN=filename_length) :: geom_filename ! filename for the geometry - i.e. the input file for gmsh character(LEN=filename_length) :: mesh_filename ! filename for the mesh - i.e. the output file from gmsh ! temposrary strings used to construct filenames character(LEN=filename_length) :: string1,string2 character(LEN=filename_length) :: temp_string character(LEN=filename_length) :: mesh_name real(dp) :: xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax ! extent of bundle conductors real(dp) :: xc,yc ! centre of bundle conductors real(dp) :: rboundary ! free space boundary radius ! variables required for generating the gmsh geometry input file: we may be able to simplify ! things here as there is some overlap with the PUL structure integer,allocatable :: shape_type(:) ! holds a nuber which indicates the shape type integer,allocatable :: loop_number(:) ! holds the loop number for this shape real(dp),allocatable :: x(:) ! x coordinate of the centre of the cable to which this shape belongs real(dp),allocatable :: y(:) ! y coordinate of the centre of the cable to which this shape belongs real(dp),allocatable :: r(:) ! radius of a circular shape or curve radius for a Dshape real(dp),allocatable :: rw(:) ! width1 (x dimension) of rectangular/ Dshape real(dp),allocatable :: rw2(:) ! width2 (x dimension) of rectangular/ Dshape real(dp),allocatable :: rh(:) ! height (y dimension) of rectangular shape real(dp),allocatable :: rox(:) ! offset in the x direction of this shape from the centre (x():),y(:) above) real(dp),allocatable :: roy(:) ! offset in the y direction of this shape from the centre (x():),y(:) above) real(dp),allocatable :: rtheta(:) ! rotation angle of conductor real(dp),allocatable :: dl(:) ! edge length for the mesh on this shape logical,allocatable :: conductor_has_dielectric(:) ! flag to indicate that a conductor has a dielectric around it real(dp) :: dl_gp ! edge length at the centre of the ground plane real(dp) :: dl_local ! edge length for the mesh at rectangle edge centre complex(dp) :: epsr ! relative permittivity value integer,allocatable :: shape_to_region(:,:) ! array which stores the inner and outer region numbers for each shape ! undefined regions (inside PEC or outside the outer boundary) are set to -1 logical :: first_surface_is_free_space_boundary ! flag to indicate properties on the first surface defined ! counters for conductors, points, lines etc. Should be self explanatory integer :: n_conductors_without_ground_plane integer :: tot_n_conductors,conductor integer :: tot_n_boundaries integer :: n_points,point integer :: n_lines,line integer :: n_line_loops,line_loop integer :: n_surfaces,surface integer :: n_dielectric_regions,tot_n_dielectric_regions,dielectric_region integer :: n_shapes,shape,conductor_shape integer :: matrix_dimension complex(dp),allocatable :: dielectric_region_epsr(:) ! list of the relative permittivity of each region ! temporary variables used in writing the geometry input file for gmsh real(dp) :: rl,rt,rdl,rx1,rx2,ry1,ry2 real(dp) :: xp,yp,xt,yt integer :: p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12 real(dp) :: edge_length character(LEN=filename_length) :: command ! string used for the command which runs gmsh from the shell integer :: gmsh_exit_stat ! exit status from the shell command which runs gmsh. type(matrix) :: mat1 ! temporary matrix type(matrix) :: mat2 ! temporary matrix ! frequency dependent dielectric variables integer :: floop ! frequency loop variable real(dp) :: f ! frequency type(matrix),allocatable :: C_freq(:) ! frequency dependent Capacitance matrices for each frequency of evaluation type(matrix),allocatable :: G_freq(:) ! frequency dependent Conductance matrices for each frequency of evaluation complex(dp),allocatable :: function_to_fit(:) ! complex function to be fitted using Sfilter_fit logical :: dielectric_defined ! flag to indicate whether there is a dielectric logical :: frequency_dependent_dielectric ! flag to indicate whether there is a frequency dependent dielectric integer :: gpline1,gpline2 ! line segments for infinite ground plane integer :: row,col ! loop variables for matrix elements integer :: i,ii ! temporary loop variables ! START if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLED: PUL_LC_Laplace' ! STAGE 1: work out the configuration for the calculation i.e. is there a ground plane, is the outer boundary free space or a conductor (overshield) ground_plane=.FALSE. infinite_ground_plane=.FALSE. finite_ground_plane=.FALSE. overshield=.FALSE. open_boundary=.FALSE. if ((.NOT.PUL%overshield_present).AND.(.NOT.PUL%ground_plane_present)) then ! SOLUTION TYPE 1: NO OVERSHIELD, NO GROUND PLANE open_boundary=.TRUE. first_surface_is_free_space_boundary=.TRUE. end_conductor_loop=PUL%n_conductors end_conductor_to_dielectric_loop=PUL%n_conductors tot_n_boundaries_without_dielectric=PUL%n_conductors+1 ! add a free space boundary first_conductor_shape=2 ! shape 1 is for the outer boundary else if ((.NOT.PUL%overshield_present).AND.(PUL%ground_plane_present)) then ! SOLUTION TYPE 2: NO OVERSHIELD, WITH GROUND PLANE ground_plane=.TRUE. if (inf_gnd) then infinite_ground_plane=.TRUE. else finite_ground_plane=.TRUE. end if tot_n_boundaries_without_dielectric=PUL%n_conductors+1 ! add a free space boundary first_surface_is_free_space_boundary=.TRUE. end_conductor_loop=PUL%n_conductors-1 ! the ground plane is not included here - added separately end_conductor_to_dielectric_loop=PUL%n_conductors first_conductor_shape=2 ! shape 1 is for the outer boundary else ! SOLUTION TYPE 3: THERE IS AN OVERSHIELD WHICH FORMS THE OUTER BOUNDARY OF THE DOMAIN overshield=.TRUE. first_surface_is_free_space_boundary=.FALSE. end_conductor_loop=PUL%n_conductors-1 end_conductor_to_dielectric_loop=PUL%n_conductors-1 ! overshield has no dielectric in the internal domain tot_n_boundaries_without_dielectric=PUL%n_conductors first_conductor_shape=1 ! shape 1 is a conductor end if ! no overshield if (verbose) then write(*,*)'ground_plane:',ground_plane write(*,*)'infinite_ground_plane:',infinite_ground_plane write(*,*)'finite_ground_plane:',finite_ground_plane write(*,*)'open_boundary:',open_boundary write(*,*)'overshield:',overshield write(*,*)'first_surface_is_free_space_boundary:',first_surface_is_free_space_boundary write(*,*)'N_conductors:',PUL%n_conductors write(*,*)'end_conductor_loop:',end_conductor_loop write(*,*)'end_conductor_to_dielectric_loop:',end_conductor_to_dielectric_loop write(*,*)'tot_n_boundaries_without_dielectric:',tot_n_boundaries_without_dielectric write(*,*)'first_conductor_shape:',first_conductor_shape end if ! verbose ! STAGE 2: Work out the numbers of conductors, points, lines, line loops and surfaces in the cross section geometry tot_n_conductors = PUL%n_conductors ! the conductor count includes the ground plane if present ! Count the dielectric regions: ! Each dielectric region adds a boundary and another surface to mesh so work out whether a dielectric ! is present for each conductor. ! A dielectric region is assumed to exist if the dielectric radius is larger than the conductor radius and ! the relative permittivity at d.c. is not equal to 1 or the permittivity model order is not equal to zero ALLOCATE ( conductor_has_dielectric(1:PUL%n_conductors) ) n_dielectric_regions=0 do conductor=1,end_conductor_loop ! assume no dielectric initially conductor_has_dielectric(conductor)=.FALSE. ! If the low freq permittivity is not 1.0 or the order of the filter model is not 0 then assume we have a dielectric dielectric_defined=.FALSE. ! check the low frequency value of epsr epsr=PUL%epsr(conductor)%a%coeff(0)/PUL%epsr(conductor)%b%coeff(0) if ( abs(epsr-1d0).GT.small ) dielectric_defined=.TRUE. ! check the model order if ( (PUL%epsr(conductor)%a%order.GT.0).OR. (PUL%epsr(conductor)%b%order.GT.0) ) dielectric_defined=.TRUE. ! for now use the high frequency limit of epsr epsr=evaluate_Sfilter_high_frequency_limit(PUL%epsr(conductor)) if (PUL%shape(conductor).EQ.circle) THEN if ( ( (PUL%rd(conductor)-PUL%r(conductor)).GT.small ).AND.( dielectric_defined ) ) then n_dielectric_regions= n_dielectric_regions+1 conductor_has_dielectric(conductor)=.TRUE. end if else if (PUL%shape(conductor).EQ.rectangle) THEN ! include dielectric region if the dielectric is not air and there is a dielectric region surrounding the conductor if ( ( dielectric_defined ).AND. ( ( PUL%rdw(conductor).GT.small ).AND.( PUL%rdw(conductor).GT.small ) ) ) then n_dielectric_regions= n_dielectric_regions+1 conductor_has_dielectric(conductor)=.TRUE. end if end if end do ! next conductor tot_n_boundaries = tot_n_boundaries_without_dielectric+n_dielectric_regions tot_n_dielectric_regions = n_dielectric_regions+1 ! add a dielectric region for the 'free space' region n_points = 5*tot_n_boundaries ! Each region is enclosed by a shape, defined by 5 points n_lines = 4*tot_n_boundaries ! Each region is enclosed by a shape, defined by 4 lines n_line_loops= tot_n_boundaries ! Each region is enclosed by a shape, defined by a single line loop n_surfaces = n_dielectric_regions+1 ! Each dielectric region plus the free space region are a separate surface if (verbose) then write(*,*)'Number of dielectric regions =',n_dielectric_regions write(*,*)'Total number of regions =',tot_n_dielectric_regions write(*,*)'Total number of conductors =',tot_n_conductors write(*,*)'Total number of boundaries =',tot_n_boundaries write(*,*)'first_surface_is_free_space_boundary? ',first_surface_is_free_space_boundary end if ! STAGE 3: Create the input file for the mesh generator, gmsh. ! Allocate the memory required for all the boundaries in the cross section geometry n_shapes=tot_n_boundaries ALLOCATE( shape_type(1:n_shapes) ) shape_type(1:n_shapes)=circle ! set all boudaries to type circle initially ALLOCATE( loop_number(1:n_shapes) ) loop_number(1:n_shapes)=-1 ! set all boudaries to -1 i.e. not set ALLOCATE( x(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( y(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( r(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( rw(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( rw2(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( rh(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( rox(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( roy(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( rtheta(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( dl(1:n_shapes) ) ALLOCATE( shape_to_region(1:n_shapes,1:2) ) shape_to_region(1:n_shapes,1:2)=-1 ! set all regions to undefined initially ALLOCATE( dielectric_region_epsr(0:n_dielectric_regions) ) if (.NOT.overshield) then ! Set the position of the outer free space boundary. This is related to the size of the cable bundle enclosed ! by the Laplace_boundary_constant ! First get the extent of the bundle xmin=large xmax=-large ymin=large ymax=-large do i=1,end_conductor_loop ! if the last conductor is the ground plane it is included in x/y,max/min calculation later if (PUL%shape(i).EQ.circle) then xmin=min(xmin,PUL%x(i)-PUL%r(i)+PUL%ox(i)) xmax=max(xmax,PUL%x(i)+PUL%r(i)+PUL%ox(i)) ymin=min(ymin,PUL%y(i)-PUL%r(i)+PUL%oy(i)) ymax=max(ymax,PUL%y(i)+PUL%r(i)+PUL%oy(i)) else if (PUL%shape(i).EQ.rectangle) then xmin=min(xmin,PUL%x(i)-PUL%rw(i)+PUL%ox(i)) xmax=max(xmax,PUL%x(i)+PUL%rw(i)+PUL%ox(i)) ymin=min(ymin,PUL%y(i)-PUL%rh(i)+PUL%oy(i)) ymax=max(ymax,PUL%y(i)+PUL%rh(i)+PUL%oy(i)) else if (PUL%shape(i).EQ.Dshape) then !*** Does this have to take rotation into account ? ***** xmin=min(xmin,PUL%x(i)-PUL%rw(i)) xmax=max(xmax,PUL%x(i)+PUL%rw(i)) ymin=min(ymin,PUL%y(i)-PUL%rh(i)) ymax=max(ymax,PUL%y(i)+PUL%rh(i)) ! note don't check semicircle as this is only for infinite ground only else if (PUL%shape(i).NE.semicircle) then write(*,*)'Unknown shape type',PUL%shape(i) end if end do ! next conductor if (ground_plane) then ! include the ground plane in the bundle sizing by adding the origin point ! here we assume that the ground plane is along the x axis. xmin=min(xmin,0d0) xmax=max(xmax,0d0) ymin=min(ymin,0d0) ymax=max(ymax,0d0) end if ! ground_plane ! Centre of conductor bundle xc=(xmax+xmin)/2d0 yc=(ymax+ymin)/2d0 rboundary=max((xmax-xmin),(ymax-ymin))*Laplace_boundary_constant if (verbose) then write(*,*)'bundle xmin=',xmin,' bundle xmax=',xmax write(*,*)'bundle ymin=',ymin,' bundle ymax=',ymax write(*,*)'bundle centre=',xc,yc write(*,*)'boundary radius=',rboundary end if ! set the first shape information to relate to the outer boundary ! ! If we have a finite gound plane of free space boundary then this is a circle, centred on the bundle centre ! note that for the Laplace calculation the geometry will be shifted so that the origin is at xc,yc so the ! free space outer boundary is centred on the origin. This is required for the free space boundary condition in Laplace to work correctly. if (.NOT.infinite_ground_plane) then x(1)=xc y(1)=yc r(1)=rboundary rw(1)=0d0 rw2(1)=0d0 rh(1)=0d0 rox(1)=0d0 roy(1)=0d0 rtheta(1)=0d0 dl(1)=r(1)/(2*Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) shape_to_region(1,inside) =0 ! inside is the dielectric region shape_to_region(1,outside)=-1 ! no outside region else ! ! If we have an infinite ground plane then we have a semicircle centred on the origin shape_type(1)=semicircle xc=0d0 yc=0d0 x(1)=xc y(1)=yc r(1)=rboundary rw(1)=0d0 rw2(1)=0d0 rh(1)=0d0 rox(1)=0d0 roy(1)=0d0 rtheta(1)=0d0 dl(1)=r(1)/(2*Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) shape_to_region(1,inside) =0 ! inside is the dielectric region shape_to_region(1,outside)=-1 ! no outside region dl_gp=min(gp_edge_length,dl(1)) end if ! infinite ground plane else ! there is an overshield specified so we do not need to offset the bundle to define a free space outer boundary xc=0d0 yc=0d0 end if ! overshield dielectric_region_epsr(0)= evaluate_Sfilter_high_frequency_limit(PUL%epsr_background) ! set material properties in region 0, the background region ! copy the conductor information from the PUL structure to the shape based structure do i=1,end_conductor_loop ! all conductors except the ground plane if it exists shape=first_conductor_shape-1+i shape_type(shape)=PUL%shape(i) x(shape)=PUL%x(i) y(shape)=PUL%y(i) r(shape)=PUL%r(i) rw(shape)=PUL%rw(i) rw2(shape)=PUL%rw2(i) rh(shape)=PUL%rh(i) rox(shape)=PUL%ox(i) roy(shape)=PUL%oy(i) rtheta(shape)=PUL%rtheta(i) if (shape_type(shape).EQ.circle) then dl(shape)=r(shape)/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant else if (shape_type(shape).EQ.rectangle) then dl(shape)=min(rw(shape),rh(shape))/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant else if (shape_type(shape).EQ.Dshape) then dl(shape)=r(shape)/(2D0*Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) else if (shape_type(shape).EQ.semicircle) then dl(shape)=r(shape)/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant else write(*,*)'Unknown shape type',shape_type(shape),' i=',i,' shape=',shape end if end do if (ground_plane) then ! Add the ground plane information shape=PUL%n_conductors+1 ! ground plane if (finite_ground_plane) then shape_type(shape)=rectangle rl=rboundary*Laplace_ground_plane_ratio ! width of the ground plane (x dimension) see constants.F90 for parameter rt=rl*Laplace_ground_plane_thickness_ratio ! height of the ground plane (y dimension) see constants.F90 for parameter rdl=rt/2d0 x(shape)=xc ! x centre of ground plane rectangle y(shape)=-rt ! y centre of ground plane rectangle r(shape)=0d0 ! not used rw(shape)=rl*2d0 ! x extent of the ground plane rw2(shape)=rw(shape) ! x extent of the ground plane rh(shape)=rt*2d0 ! y extent of the ground plane rox(shape)=0d0 ! no offset from centre roy(shape)=0d0 ! no offset from centre rtheta(shape)=0d0 ! always zero for ground plane dl(shape)=rdl ! this is the thickness of the ground plane shape_to_region(shape,inside) =-1 ! no internal region shape_to_region(shape,outside) = 0 ! no dielectric so a free space region else shape_type(shape)=semicircle_diameter rl=0d0 ! not used rt=0d0 ! not used rdl=0d0 ! not used x(shape)=0d0 ! x centre of ground plane y(shape)=0d0 ! y centre of ground plane r(shape)=rboundary ! semicircle radius rw(shape)=0d0 ! not used rw2(shape)=0d0 ! not used rh(shape)=0d0 ! not used rox(shape)=0d0 ! no offset from centre roy(shape)=0d0 ! no offset from centre rtheta(shape)=0d0 ! always zero for infinite ground plane dl(shape)=r(1)/(2*Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) shape_to_region(shape,inside) =-1 ! no internal region shape_to_region(shape,outside) = 0 ! no dielectric so a free space region end if ! infinite ground plane else if (overshield) then ! Add the overshield conductor information shape=PUL%n_conductors shape_type(shape)=PUL%overshield_shape x(shape)=PUL%overshield_x y(shape)=PUL%overshield_y r(shape)=PUL%overshield_r rw(shape)=PUL%overshield_w rw2(shape)=PUL%overshield_w2 rh(shape)=PUL%overshield_h rox(shape)=0d0 roy(shape)=0d0 rtheta(shape)=0d0 dl(shape)=r(shape)/(2d0*Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) shape_to_region(shape,inside) = 0 ! inside the overshield is the free space region end if ! overshield ! loop over conductors copying the associated dielectric information from the PUL structure, ! also associate shapes with regions dielectric_region=0 do i=1,end_conductor_loop ! exclude the ground plane if it exists as it has no dielectric region conductor_shape=first_conductor_shape-1+i ! shape number for the conductor shape_to_region(conductor_shape,inside) =-1 ! conductors have no inner surface if (conductor_has_dielectric(i)) then dielectric_region=dielectric_region+1 shape=shape+1 ! create a new shape number for the dielectric shape_type(shape)=PUL%shape(i) ! the dielectric is the same shape as the conductor x(shape)=PUL%x(i) y(shape)=PUL%y(i) r(shape)=PUL%rd(i) rw(shape)=PUL%rdw(i) rw2(shape)=PUL%rw2(i) rh(shape)=PUL%rdh(i) rox(shape)=PUL%rdox(i) roy(shape)=PUL%rdoy(i) rtheta(shape)=PUL%rtheta(i) if (shape_type(shape).EQ.circle) then dl(shape)=r(shape)/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant else if (shape_type(shape).EQ.rectangle) then dl(shape)=min(rw(shape),rh(shape))/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant else if (shape_type(shape).EQ.Dshape) then dl(shape)=r(shape)/(2D0*Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) else write(*,*)'Unknown shape type',shape_type(shape) end if shape_to_region(shape,inside) =dielectric_region shape_to_region(shape,outside) =0 ! free space region dielectric_region_epsr(dielectric_region)=evaluate_Sfilter_high_frequency_limit(PUL%epsr(i)) else ! no dielectric shape_to_region(conductor_shape,outside) =0 ! no dielectric so a free space region end if ! this conductor has a dielectric or not end do ! next conductor ! Work out which conductors are associated with which dielectrics do i=1,end_conductor_loop conductor_shape=first_conductor_shape-1+i ! shape number for the conductor dielectric_region=0 ! calculate the centre of the conductor (the test point) ! xp,yp is the coordinate of the centre of the conductor relative to the centre of the cable xp=rox(conductor_shape) yp=roy(conductor_shape) ! rotate the cable about it's origin then translate to the cable position to give the final conductor position xt=x(conductor_shape)+xp*cos(rtheta(conductor_shape))-yp*sin(rtheta(conductor_shape)) yt=y(conductor_shape)+xp*sin(rtheta(conductor_shape))+yp*cos(rtheta(conductor_shape)) ! loop over dielectrc shapes do shape=tot_n_boundaries_without_dielectric+1,tot_n_boundaries dielectric_region=dielectric_region+1 ! check whether the conductor is inside the dielectric if (point_is_inside(xt,yt,shape_type(shape),x(shape),y(shape),r(shape),rh(shape),rw(shape), & rox(shape),roy(shape),rtheta(shape))) then shape_to_region(conductor_shape,outside) =dielectric_region write(*,*)'Conductor ',i,' is inside dielectric',dielectric_region,'(shape',shape,'):' endif end do ! next dielectric shape end do ! next conductor if (verbose) then write(*,*)' shape shape_type x(shape) y(shape) r(shape) rh(shape) rw(shape) rtheta(shape) dl(shape)' do shape=1,n_shapes write(*,'(2I10,7F12.6)')shape,shape_type(shape),x(shape),y(shape),r(shape),rw(shape),rh(shape),rtheta(shape),dl(shape) end do end if ! Open a file for the gmsh geometry input data temp_string=trim(name)//'_geometry_domain_' CALL add_integer_to_string(temp_string,domain,geom_filename) geom_filename=trim(geom_filename)//gmsh_geometry_file_extn open (unit=gmsh_geometry_file_unit,file=trim(geom_filename)) if (verbose) write(*,*)'Opened file:',trim(geom_filename) ! open a file for the boundary information open(unit=boundary_file_unit,file=boundary_file_name) if (verbose) write(*,*)'Opened file:',boundary_file_name ! write the points required to define the each shape ! Translate all coordinates by (-xc,-yc) such that a free space outer boundary is centred at the origin point=0 do i=1,n_shapes if (shape_type(i).EQ.circle) then write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' // circle ',i point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i),',' & ,y(i)-yc+roy(i),',',0.0,',' ,dl(i),' };' point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i),',' & ,y(i)-yc-r(i)+roy(i),',',0.0,',',dl(i),' };' point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i)+r(i),',' & ,y(i)-yc+roy(i),',',0.0,',' ,dl(i),' };' point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i),',' & ,y(i)-yc+r(i)+roy(i),',',0.0,',',dl(i),' };' point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i)-r(i),',' & ,y(i)-yc+roy(i),',',0.0,',' ,dl(i),' };' else if (shape_type(i).EQ.rectangle) then write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' // rectangle ',i ! corner point point=point+1 xt=rw(i)/2d0+rox(i) yt=rh(i)/2d0+roy(i) xp=x(i)-xc+xt*cos(rtheta(i))-yt*sin(rtheta(i)) yp=y(i)-yc+xt*sin(rtheta(i))+yt*cos(rtheta(i)) edge_length=min(max_mesh_edge_length,dl(i)) write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',xp,',',yp,',',0.0,',',edge_length,' };' ! edge centre point point=point+1 xt=rox(i) yt=rh(i)/2d0+roy(i) xp=x(i)-xc+xt*cos(rtheta(i))-yt*sin(rtheta(i)) yp=y(i)-yc+xt*sin(rtheta(i))+yt*cos(rtheta(i)) dl_local=min(max_mesh_edge_length,rw(i)/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',xp,',',yp,',',0.0,',',dl_local,' };' ! corner point point=point+1 xt=-rw(i)/2d0+rox(i) yt=rh(i)/2d0+roy(i) xp=x(i)-xc+xt*cos(rtheta(i))-yt*sin(rtheta(i)) yp=y(i)-yc+xt*sin(rtheta(i))+yt*cos(rtheta(i)) edge_length=min(max_mesh_edge_length,dl(i)) write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',xp,',',yp,',',0.0,',',edge_length,' };' ! edge centre point point=point+1 xt=-rw(i)/2d0+rox(i) yt=roy(i) xp=x(i)-xc+xt*cos(rtheta(i))-yt*sin(rtheta(i)) yp=y(i)-yc+xt*sin(rtheta(i))+yt*cos(rtheta(i)) dl_local=min(max_mesh_edge_length,rh(i)/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',xp,',',yp,',',0.0,',',dl_local,' };' ! corner point point=point+1 xt=-rw(i)/2d0+rox(i) yt=-rh(i)/2d0+roy(i) xp=x(i)-xc+xt*cos(rtheta(i))-yt*sin(rtheta(i)) yp=y(i)-yc+xt*sin(rtheta(i))+yt*cos(rtheta(i)) edge_length=min(max_mesh_edge_length,dl(i)) write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',xp,',',yp,',',0.0,',',edge_length,' };' ! edge centre point point=point+1 xt=rox(i) yt=-rh(i)/2d0+roy(i) xp=x(i)-xc+xt*cos(rtheta(i))-yt*sin(rtheta(i)) yp=y(i)-yc+xt*sin(rtheta(i))+yt*cos(rtheta(i)) dl_local=min(max_mesh_edge_length,rw(i)/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',xp,',',yp,',',0.0,',',dl_local,' };' ! corner point point=point+1 xt=rw(i)/2d0+rox(i) yt=-rh(i)/2d0+roy(i) xp=x(i)-xc+xt*cos(rtheta(i))-yt*sin(rtheta(i)) yp=y(i)-yc+xt*sin(rtheta(i))+yt*cos(rtheta(i)) edge_length=min(max_mesh_edge_length,dl(i)) write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',xp,',',yp,',',0.0,',',edge_length,' };' ! edge centre point point=point+1 xt=rw(i)/2d0+rox(i) yt=roy(i) xp=x(i)-xc+xt*cos(rtheta(i))-yt*sin(rtheta(i)) yp=y(i)-yc+xt*sin(rtheta(i))+yt*cos(rtheta(i)) dl_local=min(max_mesh_edge_length,rh(i)/Laplace_surface_mesh_constant) write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',xp,',',yp,',',0.0,',',dl_local,' };' else if (shape_type(i).EQ.Dshape) then CALL write_Dshape_gmsh(x(i),y(i),rw(i),rw2(i),rh(i),r(i),rox(i),roy(i),rtheta(i),dl(i),point,i,gmsh_geometry_file_unit) else if (shape_type(i).EQ.semicircle) then write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' // semicircle ',i point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i),',' & ,y(i)-yc+roy(i),',',0.0,',' ,dl_gp,' };' ! middle of ground plane point point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i)+r(i),',' & ,y(i)-yc+roy(i),',',0.0,',',dl(i),' };' point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i) ,',' & ,y(i)-yc+r(i)+roy(i),',',0.0,',' ,dl(i),' };' point=point+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Point(',point,' ) = {',x(i)-xc+rox(i)-r(i),',' & ,y(i)-yc+roy(i),',',0.0,',',dl(i),' };' end if end do ! next shape ! write the boudary line segment definitions for each shape, these are constructed from the previously defined points write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' ' point=0 ! initialise point counter line=0 ! initialise line counter do i=1,n_shapes if (shape_type(i).EQ.circle) then p1=point+1 p2=point+2 p3=point+3 p4=point+4 p5=point+5 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' // circle ',i line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p2,',',p1,',',p3,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p3,',',p1,',',p4,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p4,',',p1,',',p5,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p5,',',p1,',',p2,' };' point=point+5 else if (shape_type(i).EQ.rectangle) then p1=point+1 p2=point+2 p3=point+3 p4=point+4 p5=point+5 p6=point+6 p7=point+7 p8=point+8 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' // rectangle line segments ',i line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p1,',',p2,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p2,',',p3,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p3,',',p4,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p4,',',p5,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p5,',',p6,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p6,',',p7,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p7,',',p8,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p8,',',p1,' };' point=point+8 else if (shape_type(i).EQ.Dshape) then p1=point+1 p2=point+2 p3=point+3 p4=point+4 p5=point+5 p6=point+6 p7=point+7 p8=point+8 p9=point+9 p10=point+10 p11=point+11 p12=point+12 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' // Dshape line segments',i line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p1,',',p2,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p2,',',p3,',',p4,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p4,',',p5,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p5,',',p6,',',p7,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p7,',',p8,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p8,',',p9,',',p10,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p10,',',p11,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p11,',',p12,',',p1,' };' point=point+12 else if (shape_type(i).EQ.semicircle) then p1=point+1 p2=point+2 p3=point+3 p4=point+4 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' // semicircle ',i line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p2,',',p1,',',p3,' };' line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Circle(',line,' ) = {',p3,',',p1,',',p4,' };' point=point+4 else if (shape_type(i).EQ.semicircle_diameter) then ! this is the infinite ground plane line so pick points from the outer boundary circle p1=4 ! semicircle end point 2 p2=1 ! centre p3=2 ! semicircle end point 1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' // semicircle_diameter ',i line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p1,',',p2,' };' gpline1=line line=line+1 write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line(',line,' ) = {',p2,',',p3,' };' gpline2=line end if end do ! next shape ! write the number of boundary segments to the boundary file write(boundary_file_unit,*)line,' # number of boundary segments' ! Create the closed boundary line loops for each shape, these are constructed from the preciously defined line segments. write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' ' line_loop=0 ! initialise line_loop counter line=0 ! reset the line counter to the first line do i=1,n_shapes if ( (shape_type(i).EQ.circle) ) then line_loop=line_loop+1 loop_number(i)=line_loop write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line Loop(',line_loop,' ) = {',line+1,',',line+2,',',line+3,',',line+4,' };' ! write the boundary segment and the boundary number to the boundary file do ii=1,4 write(boundary_file_unit,*)line+ii,i,' # boundary segment number and boundary number' end do line=line+4 else if ( shape_type(i).EQ.rectangle ) then line_loop=line_loop+1 loop_number(i)=line_loop write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line Loop(',line_loop,' ) = {',line+1,',',line+2,',',line+3,',',line+4,',', & line+5,',',line+6,',',line+7,',',line+8,' };' ! write the boundary segment and the boundary number to the boundary file do ii=1,8 write(boundary_file_unit,*)line+ii,i,' # boundary segment number and boundary number' end do line=line+8 else if (shape_type(i).EQ.semicircle) then ! this is the outer boundary with infinite ground plane. ! the line loop consists of 4 lines, 2 for the semicircle and 2 for the ground plane line_loop=line_loop+1 loop_number(i)=line_loop write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line Loop(',line_loop,' ) = {',line+1,',',line+2,',',gpline1,',',gpline2,' };' ! write the boundary segment and the boundary number to the boundary file do ii=1,2 write(boundary_file_unit,*)line+ii,i,' # boundary segment number and boundary number' end do line=line+2 else if (shape_type(i).EQ.Dshape) then line_loop=line_loop+1 loop_number(i)=line_loop write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)'Line Loop(',line_loop,' ) = {',line+1,',',line+2,',',line+3,',',line+4,',', & line+5,',',line+6,',',line+7,',',line+8,' };' ! write the boundary segment and the boundary number to the boundary file do ii=1,8 write(boundary_file_unit,*)line+ii,i,' # boundary segment number and boundary number' end do line=line+8 else if (shape_type(i).EQ.semicircle_diameter) then ! note there is no line loop for the semicircle_diameter shape as this is dealt with along with the semicircle ! just skip these lines ! write the boundary segment and the boundary number to the boundary file do ii=1,2 write(boundary_file_unit,*)line+ii,i,' # boundary segment number and boundary number' end do line=line+2 end if end do ! next shape ! Create the plane Surfaces, one for each dielectric region. Surfaces are defined by their boundling line loops ! Note that the order of the line loop specification is important for the orientation of the elements in the mesh write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' ' surface=0 ! initialise surface counter ! loop over the dielectric regions (including free space) as each one contributes a surface to be meshed. do dielectric_region=0,n_dielectric_regions ! 0 is the free space region which always exists surface=surface+1 string1=' Plane Surface(' CALL add_integer_to_string(string1,surface,string2) string1=trim(string2)//') = {' ! for this surface, write a list of all the line loops bounding the surface ! in order to construct this list we loop over all shapes (line loops) ! and check whether the inside or outside region of the line loop is associated with the current region if (surface.eq.1) then ! order the line loops for the free space region outer boundary first if (overshield) then ! The overshield reference conductor should be the last conductor i=PUL%n_conductors line_loop=loop_number(i) if( (shape_to_region(i,inside).EQ.dielectric_region).OR. & (shape_to_region(i,outside).EQ.dielectric_region) ) then CALL add_integer_to_string(string1,line_loop,string2) string1=trim(string2)//', ' end if end if ! overshield do i=1,n_shapes ! don't include ground plane in check line_loop=loop_number(i) if ((.NOT.overshield).OR.(i.NE.PUL%n_conductors)) then if( (shape_to_region(i,inside).EQ.dielectric_region).OR. & (shape_to_region(i,outside).EQ.dielectric_region) ) then if (line_loop.GT.0) then CALL add_integer_to_string(string1,line_loop,string2) string1=trim(string2)//', ' end if end if end if end do ! next shape else ! not the fisrt surface ! dielectric boundaries are defined second so reverse the order of the loop for dielectric regions do i=n_shapes,1,-1 line_loop=loop_number(i) if( (shape_to_region(i,inside).EQ.dielectric_region).OR. & (shape_to_region(i,outside).EQ.dielectric_region) ) then if (line_loop.GT.0) then CALL add_integer_to_string(string1,line_loop,string2) string1=trim(string2)//', ' end if end if end do end if string1=trim(string2)//'} ' write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,'(A,A)')trim(string1),' ;' end do ! next region (surface) to mesh write(gmsh_geometry_file_unit,*)' ' ! Close the file for the gmsh input data close(gmsh_geometry_file_unit) if (verbose) write(*,*)'Closed file:',trim(geom_filename) ! close the boundary information file close(unit=boundary_file_unit) if (verbose) write(*,*)'Closed file:',boundary_file_name ! Dealllocate the local shape geometry data. if (allocated( shape_type )) DEALLOCATE( shape_type ) if (allocated( loop_number )) DEALLOCATE( loop_number ) if (allocated( x )) DEALLOCATE( x ) if (allocated( y )) DEALLOCATE( y ) if (allocated( r )) DEALLOCATE( r ) if (allocated( rw )) DEALLOCATE( rw ) if (allocated( rw2 )) DEALLOCATE( rw2 ) if (allocated( rh )) DEALLOCATE( rh ) if (allocated( rox )) DEALLOCATE( rox ) if (allocated( roy )) DEALLOCATE( roy ) if (allocated( rtheta )) DEALLOCATE( rtheta ) if (allocated( dl )) DEALLOCATE( dl ) if (allocated( shape_to_region )) DEALLOCATE( shape_to_region ) ! STAGE 4: Call the mesh generator, gmsh temp_string=trim(name)//'_mesh_domain_' CALL add_integer_to_string(temp_string,domain,mesh_filename) mesh_filename=trim(mesh_filename)//mesh_file_extn write(*,*)'CALLING gmsh for domain',domain command='gmsh -2 -o '//trim(mesh_filename)//' '//trim(geom_filename) CALL execute_command_line(command,EXITSTAT=gmsh_exit_stat) ! Check that the mesh generator finished correctly, if not exit and write the gmsh error code to the screen if (gmsh_exit_stat.NE.0) then ! gmsh returned with a non zdero exit code indicating an error write(run_status,*)'ERROR in PUL_LC_Laplace. gmsh exit status=',gmsh_exit_stat CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! STAGE 5: Call Laplace to calculate the L,C and G matrices, using the mesh that we have just generated ! Work out the dimension of the per-unit-length matrices matrix_dimension=PUL%n_conductors-1 if (verbose) then write(*,*)'Number of conductors=',PUL%n_conductors write(*,*)'matrix dimension=',matrix_dimension end if ! check we have a valid system if (matrix_dimension.LT.1) then run_status='ERROR in PUL_LC_Laplace, Matrix dimension is less than 1 ' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! work out if we have any frequency dependent dielectric frequency_dependent_dielectric=.FALSE. dielectric_region=0 if ( (PUL%epsr_background%a%order.GT.0).OR. (PUL%epsr_background%b%order.GT.0) ) then frequency_dependent_dielectric=.TRUE. end if ! check the external dielectric first do i=1,end_conductor_loop ! don't include the ground plane in the conductor loop for the dielectric region count write(*,*)'Check dielectric loop',i,' conductor has dielectric:',conductor_has_dielectric(i) if (conductor_has_dielectric(i)) then write(*,*)'aorder,border',PUL%epsr(i)%a%order,PUL%epsr(i)%b%order if ( (PUL%epsr(i)%a%order.GT.0).OR. (PUL%epsr(i)%b%order.GT.0) ) then frequency_dependent_dielectric=.TRUE. end if end if end do ! next conductor if (verbose) write(*,*)'Frequency dependent dielectric:',frequency_dependent_dielectric ! Check for special case which is not currently used but could happen in future developments maybe... if ( (frequency_dependent_dielectric).AND.(n_dielectric_regions.EQ.0) ) then run_status='Error in PUL_LC_Laplace. Conductors are situated in a homogeneous frequency dependent dielectric' CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ! Allocate the per-unit-length matrices PUL%L%dim=matrix_dimension ALLOCATE( PUL%L%mat(1:PUL%L%dim,1:PUL%L%dim) ) PUL%C%dim=matrix_dimension ALLOCATE( PUL%C%mat(1:PUL%C%dim,1:PUL%C%dim) ) PUL%G%dim=matrix_dimension ALLOCATE( PUL%G%mat(1:PUL%G%dim,1:PUL%G%dim) ) ! Allocate the impedance and admittance filter matrices PUL%Zfilter%dim=matrix_dimension ALLOCATE(PUL%Zfilter%sfilter_mat(1:PUL%Zfilter%dim,1:PUL%Zfilter%dim)) PUL%Yfilter%dim=matrix_dimension ALLOCATE(PUL%Yfilter%sfilter_mat(1:PUL%Yfilter%dim,1:PUL%Yfilter%dim)) if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLING: Laplace' if (n_dielectric_regions.EQ.0) then ! no dielectrics so we can calculate L, C and G in the same solution f=1D0 ! arbitrary frequency here for lossless dielectric but a frequency must be set. The value will have no effect in this case. CALL Laplace(mesh_filename,matrix_dimension,first_surface_is_free_space_boundary, & n_dielectric_regions,dielectric_region_epsr,f,PUL%L%mat,PUL%C%mat,PUL%G%mat,xc,yc) ! calculate the impedance and admittance filters for a frequency independent model CALL Z_Y_from_L_C(PUL%L,PUL%C,PUL%Zfilter,PUL%Yfilter) else ! there are dielectrics present ALLOCATE( mat1%mat(1:matrix_dimension,1:matrix_dimension) ) mat1%dim=matrix_dimension ALLOCATE( mat2%mat(1:matrix_dimension,1:matrix_dimension) ) mat2%dim=matrix_dimension ! Firstly solve using the 'high frequency' dielectric material properties dielectric_region=0 do i=1,end_conductor_loop ! don't include the ground plane in the dielectric region count if (conductor_has_dielectric(i)) then dielectric_region=dielectric_region+1 dielectric_region_epsr(dielectric_region)=evaluate_Sfilter_high_frequency_limit(PUL%epsr(i)) end if end do ! next conductor ! call first with the dielectric materials and solve for C and G first f=1D0 ! arbitrary frequency here for lossless dielectric CALL Laplace(mesh_filename,matrix_dimension,first_surface_is_free_space_boundary, & n_dielectric_regions,dielectric_region_epsr,f,mat1%mat,PUL%C%mat,PUL%G%mat,xc,yc) ! call second with all materials set to free space properties and solve for L dielectric_region_epsr(:)=(1d0,0d0) f=1D0 ! arbitrary frequency here for lossless dielectric CALL Laplace(mesh_filename,matrix_dimension,first_surface_is_free_space_boundary, & n_dielectric_regions,dielectric_region_epsr,f,PUL%L%mat,mat1%mat,mat2%mat,xc,yc) if ((.NOT.frequency_dependent_dielectric).OR.(freq_spec%n_frequencies.EQ.1)) then ! calculate the impedance and admittance filters CALL Z_Y_from_L_C(PUL%L,PUL%C,PUL%Zfilter,PUL%Yfilter) else ! There are frequency dependent dielectrics present ! Secondly we calculate the capacitance matrix at a number of frequencies before fitting filter functions ! to each of the frequency dependent admittance matrix entries. ! allocate the frequency dependent matrices ALLOCATE( C_freq(1:freq_spec%n_frequencies) ) ALLOCATE( G_freq(1:freq_spec%n_frequencies) ) ! loop over frequency do floop=1,freq_spec%n_frequencies ! allocate the matrices for this frequency ALLOCATE( C_freq(floop)%mat(1:matrix_dimension,1:matrix_dimension) ) C_freq(floop)%dim=matrix_dimension ALLOCATE( G_freq(floop)%mat(1:matrix_dimension,1:matrix_dimension) ) G_freq(floop)%dim=matrix_dimension ! evaluate the complex dielectric constant at the current frequency f=freq_spec%freq_list(floop) ! set material properties in region 0, the background region dielectric_region=0 dielectric_region_epsr(dielectric_region)=evaluate_Sfilter_frequency_response(PUL%epsr_background,f) do i=1,end_conductor_loop ! don't include the ground plane in the dielectric region count if (conductor_has_dielectric(i)) then dielectric_region=dielectric_region+1 dielectric_region_epsr(dielectric_region)=evaluate_Sfilter_frequency_response(PUL%epsr(i),f) end if end do ! next conductor ! solve for C and G matrices at this frequency ! call Laplace to solve for C and G at this frequency CALL Laplace(mesh_filename,matrix_dimension,first_surface_is_free_space_boundary, & n_dielectric_regions,dielectric_region_epsr,f,mat1%mat,C_freq(floop)%mat,G_freq(floop)%mat,xc,yc) end do ! next frequency ! we now have frequency domain C and G matrices. ! loop over the elements of C and G and calculate the Y matrix by filter fitting to Y=G(f)+jwC(f), and the Z matrix as jwL ALLOCATE( function_to_fit(1:freq_spec%n_frequencies) ) do row=1,matrix_dimension do col=row,matrix_dimension ! get the function values for this matrix element function_to_fit=G+jwC do floop=1,freq_spec%n_frequencies function_to_fit(floop)=G_freq(floop)%mat(row,col)+ & j*2d0*pi*freq_spec%freq_list(floop)*C_freq(floop)%mat(row,col) end do ! calculate the Yfilter matrix using the filter fitting process ! note aorder=border and no restrictions are put on the function CALL Calculate_Sfilter(function_to_fit,freq_spec%freq_list,freq_spec%n_frequencies, & PUL%Yfilter%sfilter_mat(row,col),fit_order+1,-1,0) ! calcualte the Zfilter matrix as jwL PUL%Zfilter%sfilter_mat(row,col)=jwA_filter( PUL%L%mat(row,col) ) if (col.NE.row) then ! make the matrix symmetrical PUL%Zfilter%sfilter_mat(col,row)=PUL%Zfilter%sfilter_mat(row,col) PUL%Yfilter%sfilter_mat(col,row)=PUL%Yfilter%sfilter_mat(row,col) end if end do ! next col end do ! next row DEALLOCATE( function_to_fit ) ! deallocate the temporary matrices associated with the frequency dependent C and G matrices do floop=1,freq_spec%n_frequencies ! allocate the matrices for this frequency DEALLOCATE( C_freq(floop)%mat ) DEALLOCATE( G_freq(floop)%mat ) end do ! next frequency DEALLOCATE( C_freq ) DEALLOCATE( G_freq ) end if ! frequency dependent dielectric DEALLOCATE( mat1%mat ) DEALLOCATE( mat2%mat ) end if ! any dielectrics if (verbose) then write(*,*)'FINISHED: Laplace' write(*,*)'Inductance matrix, L' CALL dwrite_matrix(PUL%L%mat,matrix_dimension,matrix_dimension,matrix_dimension,0) write(*,*)'Capacitance matrix, C' CALL dwrite_matrix(PUL%C%mat,matrix_dimension,matrix_dimension,matrix_dimension,0) write(*,*)'Conductance matrix, G' CALL dwrite_matrix(PUL%G%mat,matrix_dimension,matrix_dimension,matrix_dimension,0) end if if (allocated( dielectric_region_epsr )) DEALLOCATE( dielectric_region_epsr ) if (verbose) write(*,*)'FINISHED PUL_LC_Laplace' END SUBROUTINE PUL_LC_Laplace