write_gnuplot_result() { # write a gnuplot input file to plot a spice result vs analytic reference result # Then run gnuplot with this file as input if [ $OUTPUT_FILE ] then OUTPUT_FILE_LINE="set output '$OUTPUT_FILE'" PAUSE_LINE="" else OUTPUT_FILE_LINE="" PAUSE_LINE="pause -1" fi echo "set term $TERMINAL noenhanced $OUTPUT_FILE_LINE set title '$TITLE' set xlabel '$XLABEL' set ylabel '$YLABEL' set $XSCALE x plot 'analytic_solution.dat' u 1:2 title 'Analytic solution' w p lc 3,\ 'spice_solution.dat' u 2:3 title 'Spice solution' w l lc 1 $PAUSE_LINE " > plot.plt gnuplot plot.plt } write_gnuplot_reference_result() { # write a gnuplot input file to plot a spice result vs reference spice result # and the analytic result vs reference analytic result # Then run gnuplot with this file as input if [ $OUTPUT_FILE ] then OUTPUT_FILE_LINE1="set output 'Analytic_$OUTPUT_FILE'" OUTPUT_FILE_LINE2="set output 'Spice_$OUTPUT_FILE'" PAUSE_LINE="" else OUTPUT_FILE_LINE1="" OUTPUT_FILE_LINE2="" PAUSE_LINE="pause -1" fi echo "set term $TERMINAL noenhanced set title '$TITLE' set xlabel '$XLABEL' set ylabel '$YLABEL' set $XSCALE x $OUTPUT_FILE_LINE1 plot '../analytic_solution.dat_reference' u 1:2 title 'Reference Analytic solution' w p lc 3,\ 'analytic_solution.dat' u 1:2 title 'Analytic solution' w l lc 1 $PAUSE_LINE $OUTPUT_FILE_LINE2 plot '../spice_solution.dat_reference' u 2:3 title 'Reference Spice solution' w p lc 3,\ 'spice_solution.dat' u 2:3 title 'Spice solution' w l lc 1 $PAUSE_LINE " > plot.plt gnuplot plot.plt } write_gnuplot_plot_bundle() { # write a gnuplot input file to plot the bundle cross section # Then run gnuplot with this file as input if [ $OUTPUT_FILE ] then OUTPUT_FILE_LINE="set output '$OUTPUT_FILE'" PAUSE_LINE="" else OUTPUT_FILE_LINE="" PAUSE_LINE="pause -1" fi echo "set term $TERMINAL noenhanced $OUTPUT_FILE_LINE set size square set title '$TITLE' set xlabel 'x(m)' set ylabel 'y(m)' plot 'conductors.dat' u 1:2 title 'Conductors' w l lc 3,\ 'dielectrics.dat' u 1:2 title 'Dielectrics' w l lc 2,\ 'frame.dat' u 1:2 notitle w l lc 1 $PAUSE_LINE " > plot.plt gnuplot plot.plt }