12th April 2018 SG SACAMOS: Initial release 18th-22nd June CJS Create V4 branch for additional developments as follows: 1. Iterative solver in Finite Element solution of laplace equation based on the biconjugae gradient method 2. Implementation of a new ground plane model in which the groound plane is the x axis and the outer boundary condition on an open problem is applied on a semi-circular region centred on the origin 3. Implementation of a new flex cable model which allows for multiple layers of conductors within the dielectric 25th June CJS Add the nex flex cable test cases EDGE_COUPLED_STRIPLINE and SYMMETRIC_STRIPLINE to test the new flex cable model 13th July CJS fix error in creaating circuit symbols: incident field nodes were missing... 22/10/2019 CJS. Fix numbering error for overshields following a reported error. Successfully re-run all the automatic test cases and upload the update to the repository. 23/10/2023 CJS... Start to allow the frequency dependent inductance calculation using FastHenry2. Initially for bundles. 30/10/2023 CJS. Correct equation 3.21 in Theory manual