! ! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels in Spice. ! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace ! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK. ! ! Copyright (C) 2016-2017 University of Nottingham ! ! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ! for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the ! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at . ! ! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to ! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK ! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at . ! ! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk ! ! FILE CONTENTS: !SUBROUTINE generate_circle_points !SUBROUTINE generate_rectangle_points !SUBROUTINE generate_Dshape_points !SUBROUTINE generate_arc_points ! !SUBROUTINE generate_circle_points ! ! NAME ! SUBROUTINE generate_circle_points ! ! DESCRIPTION ! write a circle with specified x,y centre and radius to file for plotting with gnuplot ! ! ! COMMENTS ! return the extent of the plotting area... ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 10/05/2013 CJS ! ! SUBROUTINE generate_circle_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,x,y,r) USE type_specifications USE constants IMPLICIT NONE integer,intent(OUT) :: npts real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_x(:) real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_y(:) real(dp),intent(IN) :: x,y,r ! centre x and y coordinates and radius ! local variables real(dp) x1,y1 real(dp) x2,y2 real(dp) x3,y3 real(dp) x4,y4 integer :: loop ! START ! write the circle as four arcs x1=x y1=y+r x2=x-r y2=y x3=x y3=y-r x4=x+r y4=y do loop=1,2 ! first pass to count the points, second pass to set the point coordinates npts=0 CALL generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2) CALL generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x,y,x2,y2,x3,y3) CALL generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x,y,x3,y3,x4,y4) CALL generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x,y,x4,y4,x1,y1) if (loop.EQ.1) then ALLOCATE( shape_x(1:npts) ) ALLOCATE( shape_y(1:npts) ) end if end do ! next loop RETURN END SUBROUTINE generate_circle_points ! !SUBROUTINE generate_rectangle_points ! ! NAME ! SUBROUTINE generate_rectangle_points ! ! DESCRIPTION ! write a rectangle with specified x,y centre, width, height and angle to file for plotting with gnuplot ! ! ! COMMENTS ! return the extent of the plotting area... ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 23/9/2016 CJS ! ! SUBROUTINE generate_rectangle_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,x,y,theta,w,h) USE type_specifications USE constants IMPLICIT NONE integer,intent(OUT) :: npts real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_x(:) real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_y(:) real(dp),intent(IN) :: x,y,w,h,theta ! centre x and y coordinates, width, height and angle of rectangle ! local variables real(dp) x1,y1 real(dp) x2,y2 real(dp) x3,y3 real(dp) x4,y4 real(dp) xt,yt integer :: loop ! START ! first point xt=w/2d0 yt=h/2d0 ! rotate then translate, note save the first point x1=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y1=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! second point xt=-w/2d0 yt=h/2d0 ! rotate then translate x2=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y2=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! third point xt=-w/2d0 yt=-h/2d0 ! rotate then translate x3=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y3=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! fourth point xt=w/2d0 yt=-h/2d0 ! rotate then translate x4=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y4=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) do loop=1,2 ! first pass to count the points, second pass to set the point coordinates npts=0 CALL generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x1,y1,x2,y2) CALL generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x2,y2,x3,y3) CALL generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x3,y3,x4,y4) CALL generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x4,y4,x1,y1) if (loop.EQ.1) then ALLOCATE( shape_x(1:npts) ) ALLOCATE( shape_y(1:npts) ) end if end do ! next loop RETURN END SUBROUTINE generate_rectangle_points ! ! NAME ! SUBROUTINE generate_Dshape_points ! ! DESCRIPTION ! write a Dshape with specified x,y centre, width1, width2, conductor separation, shell offset and angle to file for plotting with gnuplot ! ! ! COMMENTS ! Also return the extent of the plotting area ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 15/11/2016 CJS ! ! SUBROUTINE generate_Dshape_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,x,y,w1,w2,s,r,theta) USE type_specifications USE constants IMPLICIT NONE integer,intent(OUT) :: npts real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_x(:) real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_y(:) real(dp),intent(IN) :: x,y,w1,w2,s,r,theta ! centre x and y coordinates, width1, width2, separation of wire rows, offset of D shapeand angle ! local variables real(dp) x1,y1 real(dp) x2,y2 real(dp) x3,y3 real(dp) x4,y4 real(dp) x5,y5 real(dp) x6,y6 real(dp) x7,y7 real(dp) x8,y8 real(dp) x9,y9 real(dp) x10,y10 real(dp) x11,y11 real(dp) x12,y12 real(dp) xt,yt real(dp) vx,vy real(dp) voxl,voyl real(dp) norm integer :: loop ! START ! vector from top left conductor to bottem left conductor vx=w1-w2 vy=-2d0*s ! perpendicular vector to -x edge norm=sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy) voxl=vy*r/norm voyl=-vx*r/norm ! POINT 1 ! top right xt=w1 yt=s+r x1=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y1=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 2 ! top left xt=-w1 yt=s+r x2=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y2=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 3 ! top left centre xt=-w1 yt=s x3=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y3=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 4 ! top left edge xt=-w1+voxl yt=s+voyl x4=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y4=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 5 ! bottom left edge xt=-w2+voxl yt=-s+voyl x5=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y5=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 6 ! bottom left centre xt=-w2 yt=-s x6=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y6=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 7 ! bottom left xt=-w2 yt=-(s+r) x7=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y7=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 8 ! bottom right xt=w2 yt=-(s+r) x8=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y8=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 9 ! bottom right centre xt=w2 yt=-s x9=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y9=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 10 ! bottom right edge xt=w2-voxl yt=-s+voyl x10=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y10=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 11 ! top right edge xt=w1-voxl yt=s+voyl x11=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y11=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) ! POINT 12 ! top right centre xt=w1 yt=s x12=x+xt*cos(theta)-yt*sin(theta) y12=y+xt*sin(theta)+yt*cos(theta) do loop=1,2 ! first pass to count the points, second pass to set the point coordinates npts=0 CALL generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x1,y1,x2,y2) CALL generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x3,y3,x2,y2,x4,y4) CALL generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x4,y4,x5,y5) CALL generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x6,y6,x5,y5,x7,y7) CALL generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x7,y7,x8,y8) CALL generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x9,y9,x8,y8,x10,y10) CALL generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x10,y10,x11,y11) CALL generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x12,y12,x11,y11,x1,y1) if (loop.EQ.1) then ALLOCATE( shape_x(1:npts) ) ALLOCATE( shape_y(1:npts) ) end if end do ! next loop RETURN END SUBROUTINE generate_Dshape_points ! ! NAME ! SUBROUTINE generate_arc_points ! ! DESCRIPTION ! generate a set of points describing an arc ! The arc is always in an anticlockwise direction. ! ! COMMENTS ! ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 20/4/2017 CJS ! ! SUBROUTINE generate_arc_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,xc,yc,x1,y1,x2,y2) USE type_specifications USE constants IMPLICIT NONE integer,intent(OUT) :: npts ! point count real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_x(:) ! x coordinate value list real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_y(:) ! y coordinate value list integer,intent(IN) :: loop ! loop indicator. If loop=1, just count the points, if loop=2 set the coordinate values real(dp),intent(IN) :: xc,yc ! centre coordinates real(dp),intent(IN) :: x1,y1 ! arc end 1 coordinates real(dp),intent(IN) :: x2,y2 ! arc end 2 coordinates ! local variables real(dp) :: r ! arc radius real(dp) :: x,y ! point coordinates real(dp) :: tmin ! minimum angle real(dp) :: tmax ! maximum angle real(dp) :: t ! angle real(dp) :: dt ! angle step integer :: tloop ! theta loop variable integer,parameter :: nt=40 ! number of points in an arc ! START ! calculate the radius r=sqrt((x1-xc)**2+(y1-yc)**2) ! calculate the angle of the first point from the x axis tmin=atan2(y1-yc,x1-xc) ! calculate the angle of the last point from the x axis tmax=atan2(y2-yc,x2-xc) ! ensure that tmax is greater than tmin i.e. the arc is in an anticlockwise direction if (tmax.LT.tmin) tmax=tmax+2d0*pi dt=(tmax-tmin)/dble(nt) ! first point of the arc npts=npts+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then shape_x(npts)=x1 shape_y(npts)=y1 end if ! write the interior points of the arc ! loop over theta do tloop=1,nt-1 t=tmin+dt*dble(tloop) x=xc+r*cos(t) y=yc+r*sin(t) npts=npts+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then shape_x(npts)=x shape_y(npts)=y end if end do npts=npts+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then shape_x(npts)=x2 shape_y(npts)=y2 end if RETURN END SUBROUTINE generate_arc_points ! ! NAME ! SUBROUTINE generate_line_points ! ! DESCRIPTION ! generate a set of points describing a line ! ! ! COMMENTS ! ! ! HISTORY ! ! started 20/4/2017 CJS ! ! SUBROUTINE generate_line_points(npts,shape_x,shape_y,loop,x1,y1,x2,y2) USE type_specifications USE constants IMPLICIT NONE integer,intent(OUT) :: npts ! point count real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_x(:) ! x coordinate value list real(dp),allocatable,intent(INOUT) :: shape_y(:) ! y coordinate value list integer,intent(IN) :: loop ! loop indicator. If loop=1, just count the points, if loop=2 set the coordinate values real(dp),intent(IN) :: x1,y1 ! line end 1 coordinates real(dp),intent(IN) :: x2,y2 ! line end 2 coordinates ! local variables real(dp) :: x,y ! point coordinates real(dp) :: t ! normalised distance along line integer :: tloop ! loop variable integer,parameter :: nt=16 ! number of points in a line ! START ! first point of the line npts=npts+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then shape_x(npts)=x1 shape_y(npts)=y1 end if ! write the interior points of the line ! loop over theta do tloop=1,nt-1 t=dble(tloop)/dble(nt) x=x1+(x2-x1)*t y=y1+(y2-y1)*t npts=npts+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then shape_x(npts)=x shape_y(npts)=y end if end do npts=npts+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then shape_x(npts)=x2 shape_y(npts)=y2 end if RETURN END SUBROUTINE generate_line_points