Hello I tried the new source and the display problem are gone. Good work! But there are still few changes that are necessary to get it compiled on my machine. These lines are ambiguous: src/DlgSimrCfg.cpp:41 src/gnucap/DlgGenCfg.cpp:34 src/ngspice/DlgSrcCfg.cpp:34 I fixed it by changing the wxDialog function to: wxDialog( poWin, -1, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, wxDialogNameStr ) src/Makefile:94 needs a space between -o and $(BINDIR): $(CC) -pipe -o $(BINDIR)/$(PROG) obj/*.o $(LIB) For making Mac OS X usable app I added this rule to the main Makefile: macapp : Info.plist bin/gspiceui GSpiceUI.icns -mkdir GSpiceUI.app -mkdir GSpiceUI.app/Contents -mkdir GSpiceUI.app/Contents/MacOS -mkdir GSpiceUI.app/Contents/Resources cp Info.plist GSpiceUI.app/Contents/ echo -n 'APPL????' > GSpiceUI.app/Contents/PkgInfo cp bin/gspiceui GSpiceUI.app/Contents/MacOS/gspiceui cp GSpiceUI.icns GSpiceUI.app/Contents/Resources/ You'll need the two attached files. Info.plist is xml and contains the version, the executable name and some other info. It only contains the "necessary" you can change it the way you think it should be. GSpiceUI.icns is the suitable Icon I converted from the one you made. Would be cool if you could perform these changes on your source. I'll further test your app and report any issues. If you got any Mac related questions I'm happy the help. Cheers, Ezra.