8.0000000000000002E-003 # Parameter Shield radius (m) 5.8593750000000011E-005 # Parameter Equivalent shield thickness (m) 50000000.000000000 # Parameter Shield conductivity (S/m) # Transfer impedance model 628318530.71795857 # w normalisation constant 6 # a order, a coefficients follow below: 6.7910018908980910E-003 6.3516651586671768 131.85223712596317 714.73088207712362 1550.1604988129416 1509.1499548754166 617.70419490065785 5 # b order, b coefficients follow below: 1.0000000000000000 20.715352684308218 112.30217945904732 243.56691527043952 237.12345747204483 97.056063856769896 Conductor surface impedance model 628318530.71795857 # w normalisation constant 4 # a order, a coefficients follow below: 6.7991249645833743E-003 0.42182112096147284 2.9116633442825224 4.4564630846126461 1.3479461279895499 4 # b order, b coefficients follow below: 1.0000000000000000 17.189556078894050 54.647566548214080 39.351327359037754 3.6325126022500953 # Shield parameters used in the shield model calculation braid circummference, cb= 5.0265482457436693E-002 C= 8 Number of carriers N= 15 Number of conductors in each carrier W= 3.7499999999999999E-003 Width of each carrier W= 7.4999999999999980E-003 Width of each carrier in circumferential direction cb/(C/2)= 1.2566370614359173E-002 circumferential dimension for each carrier (note overlap) P= 137.83222385544798 v= 1102.6577908435838 Number of holes per unit length in braid F= 0.59683103659460734 Fill factor K= 0.83745478694662112 Optical coverage l= 5.0663706143591752E-003 hole length w= 8.7752113140440353E-003 hole width S= 3.4917602834517952E-005 hole area req= 3.3338593527721316E-003 hole equivalent radius k= 551.91290492504572 hole cutoff k value Ck= 0.87454250758923513 hole inductance factor Ro 6.7906109052542005E-003 braid d.c. resistance T 5.8593750000000011E-005 braid equivalent thickness mean braid diameter, Dm= 1.6500000000000001E-002 Width between holes, b= 2.7295348480289505E-003 Average height for braid inductance, hh= 4.1952857199401834E-005 M12= ( 9.6207472622024065E-009, 0.0000000000000000 ) Hole inductance Mb = ( 5.0851948120487033E-010, 0.0000000000000000 ) Braid inductance Ms= ( 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ) Skin inductance M= ( 1.0129266743407277E-008, 0.0000000000000000 ) Total transfer inductance