//************************************************************************************************** // DlgPrefs.hpp * // -------------- * // Description : This dialogue is used to enter applications preferences. * // Started : 2006-10-17 * // Last Update : 2016-11-09 * // Copyright : (C) 2006-2016 MSWaters * //************************************************************************************************** //************************************************************************************************** // * // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * // * //************************************************************************************************** #ifndef DLGPREFS_HPP #define DLGPREFS_HPP // Application Includes #include "TypeDefs.hpp" #include "Config.hpp" #include "CmdLinePcr.hpp" #include "utility/PnlValue.hpp" #include "utility/TextCtrl.hpp" #include "utility/PnlLblCho.hpp" #include "utility/PnlLblTxt.hpp" #include "utility/PnlTxtSpn.hpp" #include "process/PrcGNetList.hpp" // wxWidgets Includes #include //************************************************************************************************** class DlgPrefs : public wxDialog { private : // Display controls // PnlLblCho m_oChoSchemEdit; PnlLblCho m_oChoDataViewer; PnlLblCho m_oChoTmpFileMgt; PnlLblCho m_oChoFrmLayout; PnlLblCho m_oChoPhaseUnits; PnlLblCho m_oChoPrecision; PnlLblCho m_oChoGuileProc; PnlValue m_oPnlNbkMaxLns; PnlValue m_oPnlSpnPeriod; PnlValue m_oPnlToolTipDly; wxCheckBox m_oCbxToolTips; wxCheckBox m_oCbxSyncSwpSrcs; wxCheckBox m_oCbxSyncTemps; wxCheckBox m_oCbxKeepNetLst; wxCheckBox m_oCbxVerboseMode; wxCheckBox m_oCbxIncludeMode; wxCheckBox m_oCbxEmbedMode; wxCheckBox m_oCbxNoMungeMode; // wxCheckBox m_oCbxSubcktCpnts; // ??? MSW 2015-04-18 Include sub-circuit components in Components list // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtBinGschem; // ??? MSW 2014-03-11 Allow binary names to be specified // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtBinGnetlst; // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtBinNgspice; // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtBinGnucap; // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtBinGaw; // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtBinGwave; // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtBinCalc; // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtDocNgSpice; // PnlLblTxt m_oTxtDocGnuCap; // Button controls wxButton m_oBtnOk; wxButton m_oBtnCancel; // Object initialization functions void Initialize( void ); void Create ( void ); void ToolTips ( void ); void DoLayout ( void ); void Load( void ); void Save( void ); public : DlgPrefs( wxWindow * poWin ); ~DlgPrefs( ); bool bClear( void ); private : // Event handlers void OnBtnOk ( wxCommandEvent & roEvtCmd ); void OnBtnCancel( wxCommandEvent & roEvtCmd ); friend class FrmMain; // In order to be able to react to a menu command, it must be given a unique identifier such as // a const or an enum. enum eDlgItemID { ID_CHO_SIMENG, ID_CHO_SCHEMEDIT, ID_CHO_DATAVIEWER, ID_CHO_TMPFILEMGT, ID_CHO_FRMLAYOUT, ID_CHO_PHASEUNITS, ID_CHO_PRECISION, ID_CHO_GUILEPROC, ID_VAL_NBKMAXLNS, ID_VAL_SPINPERIOD, ID_VAL_TOOLTIPDLY, ID_CBX_TOOLTIPS, ID_CBX_SYNCSWPSRCS, ID_CBX_SYNCTEMPS, ID_CBX_KEEPNETLST, ID_CBX_VERBOSEMODE, ID_CBX_INCLUDEMODE, ID_CBX_EMBEDMODE, ID_CBX_NOMUNGEMODE, ID_TXT_GSCHEM, ID_TXT_GNETLST, ID_TXT_NGSPICE, ID_TXT_GNUCAP, ID_TXT_GAW, ID_TXT_GWAVE, ID_TXT_CALC, ID_BTN_OK, ID_BTN_CANCEL, ID_UNUSED, // Assigned to controls for which events are not used }; // Leave this as the last line as private access is envoked by macro wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE( ); }; //************************************************************************************************** #endif // DLGPREFS_HPP