1.4700000000000000E-003 # Parameter Shield radius (m) 8.5034013605442198E-005 # Parameter Equivalent shield thickness (m) 50000000.000000000 # Parameter Shield conductivity (S/m) # Transfer impedance model 628318530.71795857 # w normalisation constant 6 # a order, a coefficients follow below: 2.5527135078994099E-002 2.0456070142552645 94.700765440191645 1053.6564520303982 5486.2055060568691 10638.758464579827 15158.277828189244 5 # b order, b coefficients follow below: 1.0000000000000000 44.378856435028219 494.66589386530813 2575.2916835800106 4994.0645065866493 7115.6251488156195 # Conductor surface impedance model 628318530.71795857 # w normalisation constant 4 # a order, a coefficients follow below: 2.6368366662006291E-002 2.9453836428336162 28.993810114808475 56.298546962808530 20.349183057422252 4 # b order, b coefficients follow below: 1.0000000000000000 26.878438004893571 113.83098363798955 100.39889766760405 10.967479906769071 # Shield parameters used in the shield model calculation braid circummference, cb= 9.2362824015539916E-003 C= 8 Number of carriers N= 4 Number of conductors in each carrier W= 1.0000000000000000E-003 Width of each carrier W= 1.9999999999999996E-003 Width of each carrier in circumferential direction cb/(C/2)= 2.3090706003884979E-003 circumferential dimension for each carrier (note overlap) P= 750.10734070992100 v= 6000.8587256793680 Number of holes per unit length in braid F= 0.86614935015997452 Fill factor K= 0.98208400353740288 Optical coverage l= 1.7844199433289875E-004 hole length w= 3.0907060038849824E-004 hole width S= 4.3315631022488871E-008 hole area Th= 3.4284209366167024 hole attenuation factor Ck= 2.8383356928417345E-002 hole inductance factor Ro 2.5464790894703250E-002 braid d.c. resistance T 8.5034013605442198E-005 braid equivalent thickness mean braid diameter, Dm= 3.4399999999999999E-003 Width between holes, b= 1.5453530019424915E-004 Average height for braid inductance, hh= 2.5000000000000001E-004 M12= ( 9.2889184020820607E-012, 0.0000000000000000 ) Hole inductance Mb = ( 3.3811578725143228E-009, 0.0000000000000000 ) Braid inductance Ms= ( 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ) Skin inductance M= ( 3.3904467909164048E-009, 0.0000000000000000 ) Total transfer inductance