2.5000000000000001E-003 # Parameter Shield radius (m) 6.2500000000000015E-005 # Parameter Equivalent shield thickness (m) 50000000.000000000 # Parameter Shield conductivity (S/m) # Transfer impedance model 628318530.71795857 # w normalisation constant 6 # a order, a coefficients follow below: 2.0374795470322369E-002 2.4254670721262799 58.296168241008900 360.12236267295452 895.52398521190491 1000.0529344339834 485.68143255311600 5 # b order, b coefficients follow below: 1.0000000000000000 23.599449123864325 145.90222072648217 362.78999275303266 405.14016972906620 196.75864271144215 # Conductor surface impedance model 628318530.71795857 # w normalisation constant 4 # a order, a coefficients follow below: 2.0425431606526812E-002 1.4239191601879064 10.701214713988804 17.439082798989524 5.5415240356671571 4 # b order, b coefficients follow below: 1.0000000000000000 18.987055251519244 64.911367837365901 49.386334031367127 4.7789439058672514 # Shield parameters used in the shield model calculation braid circummference, cb= 1.5707963267948967E-002 C= 8 Number of carriers N= 5 Number of conductors in each carrier W= 1.2500000000000000E-003 Width of each carrier W= 2.4999999999999996E-003 Width of each carrier in circumferential direction cb/(C/2)= 3.9269908169872417E-003 circumferential dimension for each carrier (note overlap) P= 441.06311633743348 v= 3528.5049306994679 Number of holes per unit length in braid F= 0.63661977236758116 Fill factor K= 0.86795481016581144 Optical coverage l= 8.2387353231870868E-004 hole length w= 1.4269908169872426E-003 hole width S= 9.2336117727334644E-007 hole area Th= 1.9846324228763292 hole attenuation factor Ck= 0.12025223119877292 hole inductance factor Ro 2.0371832715762598E-002 braid d.c. resistance T 6.2500000000000015E-005 braid equivalent thickness mean braid diameter, Dm= 5.4999999999999997E-003 Width between holes, b= 7.1349540849362139E-004 Average height for braid inductance, hh= 2.5000000000000001E-004 M12= ( 7.8743906839290131E-010, 0.0000000000000000 ) Hole inductance Mb = ( 3.1411609510809177E-009, 0.0000000000000000 ) Braid inductance Ms= ( 0.0000000000000000 , 0.0000000000000000 ) Skin inductance M= ( 3.9286000194738192E-009, 0.0000000000000000 ) Total transfer inductance