Test cases marked with **** are not yet running correctly. An outline of the issue is included. AVAILABLE TEST CASES Simple two conductor configurations TWO_WIRE Single mode propagation on a two wire transmission line. AC analysis TWO_WIRE_TRANSIENT Single mode propagation on a two wire transmission line. Transient analysis WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE Single mode propagation on a wire with ground plane return AC analysis Simple multi-conductor configurations THREE_WIRE_RIBBON_CABLE Two mode propagation on three parallel wires. The test case is configured for AC crosstalk analysis as described in C.R. Paul, "Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines" 1st edition, Wiley. Section 4.8.1 FOUR_WIRE_BUNDLE The four wire bundle consists of four identical cylindrical conductors arranged at the corners of a square. The symmetry and the homogeneous cross section means that the modes are degenerate. Test cases which make use of the library of cable models (MOD) SINGLE_WIRE_MOD This test case creates a cable model of a cylindrical condcutor and places it in the library of cable models TWO_WIRE_MOD This test case reproduces the TWO_WIRE test case above but uses the single_wire cable model in MOD. The bundle model and spice cable bundle model are also placed in MOD TWO_WIRE_TRANSIENT_MOD This test case reproduces the TWO_WIRE_TRANSIENT test case above but uses the single_wire cable model in MOD. The bundle model and spice cable bundle model are also placed in MOD WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_MOD This test case reproduces the WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE test case above but uses the single_wire cable model in MOD. The bundle model and spice cable bundle model are also placed in MOD TWO_WIRES_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_MOD This test case models two wires over a groound plane and uses the single_wire cable model in MOD. The bundle model and spice cable bundle model are also placed in MOD Test cases for different cable types COAX Coaxial cable propagation test TWINAX Twinax cable propagation test. The model runs but has not yet been properly validated. TWINAX_LAPLACE Twinax cable propagation test using the numerical Laplace solver for the L,C matrix calculations. The model runs but has not yet been properly validated. SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR Shielded twisted pair propagation test. The model runs but has not yet been properly validated. SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR_LAPLACE Shielded twisted pair propagation test using the numerical Laplace solver for the L,C matrix calculations. The model runs but has not yet been properly validated. SPACEWIRE Spacewire propagation test. The model runs but has not yet been properly validated. SPACEWIRE_LAPLACE Spacewire propagation test using the numerical Laplace solver for the L,C matrix calculations. The model runs but has not yet been properly validated. TEST_ALL_CABLE_TYPES This test case generates cable models for all the cable types. The model runs but the individual cable models have not yet all been properly validated. Overshield tests COAX_FREE_SPACE This test case models a coaxial cable with free space dielectric properties. It is used to check the overshield model (OVERSHIELD_COAX_FREE_SPACE). OVERSHIELD_COAX_FREE_SPACE The COAX_FREE_SPACE cable bundle configuration is built from a cylindrical conductor and circular overshield. COAX_FREE_SPACE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE This test case models a coaxial cable with free space dielectric properties over a ground plane. It is used to check the overshield model (OVERSHIELD_COAX_FREE_SPACE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE). OVERSHIELD_COAX_FREE_SPACE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE The COAX_FREE_SPACE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE cable bundle configuration is built from a cylindrical conductor and circular overshield along with a ground plane. Multiple domain test cases COAX_OVER_GROUND_PLANE Coaxial cable over a ground plane. Note there is no transfer impedance coupling. TWIN_COAX Two parallel coaxial cables. Note there is no transfer impedance coupling. TWIN_COAX_OVER_GROUND_PLANE Two parallel coaxial cables over a gorund plane. Note there is no transfer impedance coupling. TWISTED_PAIR_OVER_GROUND_PLANE Twisted pair over a gorund plane. Note there is no transfer impedance coupling. Frequency dependent test cases FD_TWO_WIRE Analysis of propagation on a two wire transmission line with frequency dependent 'skin effect' model. FD_TWO_WIRE_TRANSIENT Transient analysis of propagation on a two wire transmission line with frequency dependent 'skin effect' model. FD_COAX Analysis of propagation on a coaxial cable with frequency dependent 'skin effect' model applied to the inner conductor and a frequency dependent (debye model) dielectric. Note that there is no transfer impedance in this model. FD_COAX_TRANSIENT Tansient analysis of propagation on a coaxial cable with frequency dependent 'skin effect' model applied to the inner conductor and a frequency dependent (debye model) dielectric. Note that there is no transfer impedance in this model. FD_THREE_WIRE Analysis of propagation on a three wire transmission line with frequency dependent 'skin effect' model. This tests the multi-mode propagation correction. Transfer impedance test cases ZT_FD_COAX Analysis of propagation on a coaxial cable with frequency dependent 'skin effect' model applied to the inner conductor and a frequency dependent (debye model) dielectric. There is also a transfer impedance included in this model of the form R+jwL. The model tests the coaxial mode propagation only. ZT_FD_COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE Analysis of coupling from a coaxial mode on a frequency dependent coax cable onto an external circuit throught the transfer impedance of the coax shield. The transfer impedance is of the form R+jwL. ZT_TWIN_COAX Analysis of coupling from a coaxial mode on a frequency dependent coax cable onto the coaxial model of a parallel coaxial cable through an external circuit consisting of the two shields i.e. there are two transfer impedance coupling terms included, first from internal to external mode and the second from the external to the internal mode. The transfer impedance is of the form R+jwL. ZT_FD_COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_FREE_SPACE Analysis of coupling from a coaxial mode on a frequency dependent coax cable onto an external circuit throught the transfer impedance of the coax shield. The transfer impedance is of the form R+jwL. The coax dielectric is free space in this test so that the result can be compared to the same problem set up using a cylindrical conductor and an overshield (see below). ZT_WIRE_WITH_OVERSHIELD_AND_SINGLE_WIRE This is the same configuration as ZT_FD_COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE but the coax is made of a cylindrical conductor and overshield. ZT_MULTI_MODE_1S_2V Transfer impedance test case consisting of one wire in the source domain within an oversheild and two wires outside.in the victim domain ZT_MULTI_MODE_2S_1V Transfer impedance test case consisting of two wires in the source domain within an oversheild and one wire outside.in the victim domain ZT_MULTI_MODE_2S_2V Transfer impedance test case consisting of two wires in the source domain within an oversheild and two_wires outside.in the victim domain ZT_MULTI_MODE_2S_2V_REV Transfer impedance test case consisting of two wires in the source domain outside an oversheild and two_wires inside.in the victim domain ZT_MULTI_MODE Transfer impedance test case consisting of two wires within an oversheild and three more wires outside. Incident field excitation test cases TWO_WIRE_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION Incident field excitation of a two wire transmission line THREE_WIRE_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION Incident field excitation of a three wire transmission line COAX_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION Incident field excitation of a coax cable over a ground plane Laplace solver test cases THREE_WIRE_LAPLACE Two mode propagation on three parallel wires. The test case is configured for AC crosstalk analysis as described in C.R. Paul, "Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines" 1st edition, Wiley. Section 4.8.1 The per-unit-length parameters are calculated using the numerical (Finite Element) Laplace solver WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_LAPLACE Single mode propagation on a wire with ground plane return AC analysis The per-unit-length parameters are calculated using the numerical (Finite Element) Laplace solver OVERSHIELD_COAX_FREE_SPACE_LAPLACE The COAX_FREE_SPACE cable bundle configuration is built from a cylindrical conductor and circular overshield. The per-unit-length parameters are calculated using the numerical (Finite Element) Laplace solver The following test cases are for the revised shield loss model in which the transfer impedance and the shield conductor loss models are distinct. ZT_FD_COAX2_AND_SINGLE_WIRE FD_COAX2 ZT_FD_SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR2 ZT_FD_SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR2_OVER_GROUND ZT_FD_TWINAX2_OVER_GROUND ZT_FD_SPACEWIRE2_OVER_GROUND TWISTED_PAIR_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_CM Check the common mode coupling of the twisted pair model TWISTED_PAIR_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_DM Check that there is no differential mode couplign in the twisted pair model. ************************************************************************ Test cases which test the limits of the models LONG_LOSSY_CABLE This tests the propagation correction on a 10m length of frequency dependent transmission line COMPLEX_BUNDLE FD_LARGE_BUNDLE**** This test cases allows the production of a test case with an arbitrary number of conductors so as to test whether there are any limits to the complexity of cable bundles which may be modelled in Spice using this approach. The test case directory contains a FORTRAN code which should be compiled (make) and run. The user is then asked for a number of conductors. The code then generates the files required for a test case consisting of the required number of conductors arranged in a row i.e. a ribbon cable. The test case runs however problems are seen when using lossy models in ngspice with large numbers of conductors e.g. first order propagation correction model with 20 conductors. Note that this test case does work in LTspice. FD_LARGE_BUNDLE_TRANS**** This test cases allows the production of a test case with an arbitrary number of conductors so as to test whether there are any limits to the complexity of cable bundles which may be modelled in Spice using this approach. A cable with 50 conductors has been simulated using this test case although the propagation correction was incorrect in this case for the reason outlined above. SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR_OVER_GROUND_10m shielded twisted pair over ground - 10m length SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR_OVER_GROUND_1m shielded twisted pair over ground - 1m length Thes last two test cases were used to test many bundle models connected in series. Here 10x 1m bundle models were connected in series and the results compared to the 10m model. The comparison is not in the TEST_CASES as it is beyond the scope of the automatic validation model. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FULL TEST CASE LIST: Working test cases run from the automatic script COAX COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_EINC COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_EINC_REORDER COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_EINC_REORDER_TRANSIENT COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_REORDER COAX_AND_TWO_WIRES_EINC COAX_AND_TWO_WIRES_EINC_REORDER COAX_AND_TWO_WIRES_EINC_REORDER_TRANSIENT COAX_FREE_SPACE COAX_FREE_SPACE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE COAX_OVER_GROUND_PLANE COAX_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_EINC COAX_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION COMPLEX_BUNDLE CONNECTOR_AND_WIRE CONNECTOR_OVER_GROUND_PLANE DOUBLE_SHIELDED_COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE DOUBLE_SHIELDED_COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_2 DSUB_CONNECTOR EINC_ZT_MULTI_MODE_1S_1V EINC_ZT_MULTI_MODE_1S_2V EINC_ZT_MULTI_MODE_2S_2V EINC_ZT_TV_EQ_TS EINC_ZT_TV_EQ_TZ EINC_ZT_TZ_ZERO FD_COAX FD_COAX2 FD_THREE_WIRE FD_TWISTED_PAIR_OVER_GROUND_PLANE FD_TWO_WIRE FD_TWO_WIRE_TRANSIENT FLEX_CABLE_3_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_EINC FLEX_CABLE_3_CONDUCTOR FLEX_CABLE_3_EINC FLEX_CABLE_3_GROUND_PLANE FLEX_CABLE_3_OVERSHIELD FLEX_CABLE_DIELECTRIC_3_CONDUCTOR FLEX_CABLE_LOSSY_2_CONDUCTOR LONG_LOSSY_CABLE OVERSHIELD_COAX_FREE_SPACE OVERSHIELD_COAX_FREE_SPACE_LAPLACE OVERSHIELD_COAX_FREE_SPACE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE OVERSHIELD_TWINAX_DIELECTRIC_LAPLACE SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR_LAPLACE SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR_OVER_GROUND_10m SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR_OVER_GROUND_1m SINGLE_WIRE_MOD SPACEWIRE SPACEWIRE_LAPLACE THREE_WIRE_DIELECTRIC_LAPLACE THREE_WIRE_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION THREE_WIRE_LAPLACE THREE_WIRE_RIBBON_CABLE TWINAX TWINAX_AND_TWO_WIRES TWINAX_AND_TWO_WIRES_REORDER TWINAX_LAPLACE TWIN_COAX TWIN_COAX_OVER_GROUND_PLANE TWISTED_PAIR_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_CM TWISTED_PAIR_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_DM TWISTED_PAIR_OVER_GROUND_PLANE TWISTED_PAIR_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_LAPLACE TWO_COAX_OVER_GROUND_CROSSTALK TWO_RECTANGULAR_CONDUCTORS TWO_WIRE TWO_WIRE_DIELECTRIC_GROUND_PLANE_LAPLACE TWO_WIRE_FD_DIELECTRIC_LAPLACE TWO_WIRE_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION TWO_WIRE_MOD TWO_WIRES_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_MOD TWO_WIRE_TRANSIENT TWO_WIRE_TRANSIENT_MOD WIRE_OVER_GROUND_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_LAPLACE WIRE_OVER_GROUND_PLANE_MOD ZT_FD_COAX ZT_FD_COAX2_AND_SINGLE_WIRE ZT_FD_COAX2_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_BIDIRECTIONAL_1 ZT_FD_COAX2_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_BIDIRECTIONAL_2 ZT_FD_COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE ZT_FD_COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_FREE_SPACE ZT_FD_SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR ZT_FD_SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR2 ZT_FD_SHIELDED_TWISTED_PAIR2_OVER_GROUND ZT_FD_SPACEWIRE ZT_FD_SPACEWIRE2 ZT_FD_SPACEWIRE2_OVER_GROUND ZT_FD_TWINAX ZT_FD_TWINAX2_OVER_GROUND ZT_MULTI_MODE ZT_MULTI_MODE_1S_2V ZT_MULTI_MODE_2S_1V ZT_MULTI_MODE_2S_2V ZT_MULTI_MODE_2S_2V_REV ZT_TWIN_COAX ZT_TWIN_COAX_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION ZT_TWIN_COAX_INCIDENT_FIELD_EXCITATION_USE_XIE ZT_WIRE_WITH_OVERSHIELD_AND_SINGLE_WIRE COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE COAX_AND_SINGLE_WIRE_EINC_TRANSIENT COAX_AND_TWO_WIRES_EINC_TRANSIENT Directory for testing the calculation of frequency dependent transfer impedance and surface impedance for braided shields. SHIELD_TRANSFER_IMPEDANCE_AND_SURFACE_IMPEDANCE_CALCULATION