* LTspice multi-conductor transmission line model * Created by Spice cable model builder v2.3.1 * * Transmission line subcircuit * * * End 1 nodes: * * node: 4 cable number: 1 type:coax name:coaxial_cable_02 conductor number 1 * node: 5 cable number: 1 type:coax name:coaxial_cable_02 conductor number 2 * node: 6 Ground plane * * End 2 nodes: * * node: 7 cable number: 1 type:coax name:coaxial_cable_02 conductor number 1 * node: 8 cable number: 1 type:coax name:coaxial_cable_02 conductor number 2 * node: 9 Ground plane * * Incident field function nodes: * * 2 3 * .subckt Coax_Gnd_EField + 4 5 6 + 7 8 9 + 2 3 * * D.C. RESISTANCE END 1 * Rdc_c1_e1 4 10 2.201463E-02 Rdc_c2_e1 5 11 1.830000E-01 Rdc_c3_e1 6 1 6.100000E-09 * * D.C. RESISTANCE END 2 * Rdc_c1_e2 7 12 2.201463E-02 Rdc_c2_e2 8 13 1.830000E-01 Rdc_c3_e2 9 1 6.100000E-09 * * DOMAIN TRANSFORMATION END 1 * * * Domain decomposition Voltage sources used for current sensing * Vmeas_domain_decomp_c1_e1 10 16 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c2_e1 11 18 * * Domain decomposition Voltage controlled voltage sources (domain to conductor) * E_domain_decomp_c1_dc1_e1 16 17 14 1 1.000000E+00 E_domain_decomp_c1_dc2_e1 17 1 15 1 1.000000E+00 E_domain_decomp_c2_dc1_e1 18 19 14 1 -0.000000E+00 E_domain_decomp_c2_dc2_e1 19 1 15 1 1.000000E+00 * * Domain decomposition Current controlled current sources (conductor to domain) * F_domain_decomp_c1_dc1_e1 1 14 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c1_e1 1.000000E+00 F_domain_decomp_c2_dc1_e1 1 14 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c2_e1 0.000000E+00 F_domain_decomp_c1_dc2_e1 1 15 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c1_e1 1.000000E+00 F_domain_decomp_c2_dc2_e1 1 15 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c2_e1 1.000000E+00 * * DOMAIN TRANSFORMATION END 2 * * * Domain decomposition Voltage sources used for current sensing * Vmeas_domain_decomp_c1_e2 12 22 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c2_e2 13 24 * * Domain decomposition Voltage controlled voltage sources (domain to conductor) * E_domain_decomp_c1_dc1_e2 22 23 20 1 1.000000E+00 E_domain_decomp_c1_dc2_e2 23 1 21 1 1.000000E+00 E_domain_decomp_c2_dc1_e2 24 25 20 1 -0.000000E+00 E_domain_decomp_c2_dc2_e2 25 1 21 1 1.000000E+00 * * Domain decomposition Current controlled current sources (conductor to domain) * F_domain_decomp_c1_dc1_e2 1 20 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c1_e2 1.000000E+00 F_domain_decomp_c2_dc1_e2 1 20 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c2_e2 0.000000E+00 F_domain_decomp_c1_dc2_e2 1 21 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c1_e2 1.000000E+00 F_domain_decomp_c2_dc2_e2 1 21 Vmeas_domain_decomp_c2_e2 1.000000E+00 * * DOMAIN 1 * * * Modal Decomposition * * * Modal decomposition Voltage sources used for current sensing * Vmeas_mode_decomp_d1_c1_e1 14 27 * * Modal decomposition Voltage controlled voltage sources (mode to conductor) * E_mode_decomp_d1_c1_m1_e1 27 1 26 1 1.00000000E+00 * * Modal decomposition Current controlled current sources (conductor to mode) * F_mode_decomp_d1_c1_m1_e1 1 26 Vmeas_mode_decomp_d1_c1_e1 1.00000000E+00 * * Modal decomposition Voltage sources used for current sensing * Vmeas_mode_decomp_d1_c1_e2 20 29 * * Modal decomposition Voltage controlled voltage sources (mode to conductor) * E_mode_decomp_d1_c1_m1_e2 29 1 28 1 1.00000000E+00 * * Modal decomposition Current controlled current sources (conductor to mode) * F_mode_decomp_d1_c1_m1_e2 1 28 Vmeas_mode_decomp_d1_c1_e2 1.00000000E+00 * * Modal impedance: end1 * RZCm_d1_m1_e1 26 30 4.848574E+01 * * Modal impedance: end2 * RZCm_d1_m1_e2 28 31 4.848574E+01 * * Modal frequency dependent voltage controlled voltage source : end1 * E_m_d1_m1_e1 30 1 32 1 1.000000E+00 * * Modal frequency dependent voltage controlled voltage source : end2 * E_m_d1_m1_e2 31 1 33 1 1.000000E+00 * * Delay line for positive z propagation * T_pz_d1_m1_e1 33 1 34 1 Z0= 4.848574E+01 TD= 6.304414E-09 * * Delay line for negative z propagation * T_mz_d1_m1_e2 32 1 35 1 Z0= 4.848574E+01 TD= 6.304414E-09 * * Modal impedances on modal positive z propagation delay lines * RZC_pz_d1_m1_e1 33 1 4.848574E+01 * * Modal impedances on modal negative z propagation delay lines * RZC_mz_d1_m1_e2 32 1 4.848574E+01 * * Delay line frequency dependent controlled sources for positive z propagation * E_m_pz_d1_m1_e1 34 36 26 1 2.000000E+00 E_m_pz_d1_m1_e2 36 1 30 1 -1.000000E+00 * * Delay line frequency dependent controlled sources for negative z propagation * E_m_mz_d1_m1_e1 35 37 28 1 2.000000E+00 E_m_mz_d1_m1_e2 37 1 31 1 -1.000000E+00 * * DOMAIN 2 * * * Modal Decomposition * * * Modal decomposition Voltage sources used for current sensing * Vmeas_mode_decomp_d2_c1_e1 15 39 * * Modal decomposition Voltage controlled voltage sources (mode to conductor) * E_mode_decomp_d2_c1_m1_e1 39 1 38 1 1.00000000E+00 * * Modal decomposition Current controlled current sources (conductor to mode) * F_mode_decomp_d2_c1_m1_e1 1 38 Vmeas_mode_decomp_d2_c1_e1 1.00000000E+00 * * Modal decomposition Voltage sources used for current sensing * Vmeas_mode_decomp_d2_c1_e2 21 41 * * Modal decomposition Voltage controlled voltage sources (mode to conductor) * E_mode_decomp_d2_c1_m1_e2 41 1 40 1 1.00000000E+00 * * Modal decomposition Current controlled current sources (conductor to mode) * F_mode_decomp_d2_c1_m1_e2 1 40 Vmeas_mode_decomp_d2_c1_e2 1.00000000E+00 * * Modal impedance: end1 * RZCm_d2_m1_e1 38 44 1.980799E+02 * * Modal impedance: end2 * RZCm_d2_m1_e2 40 45 1.980799E+02 * * Modal frequency dependent voltage controlled voltage source : end1 * E_m_d2_m1_e1 44 42 46 1 1.000000E+00 * * Modal frequency dependent voltage controlled voltage source : end2 * E_m_d2_m1_e2 45 43 47 1 1.000000E+00 * * Delay line for positive z propagation * T_pz_d2_m1_e1 47 1 48 1 Z0= 1.980799E+02 TD= 4.069482E-09 * * Delay line for negative z propagation * T_mz_d2_m1_e2 46 1 49 1 Z0= 1.980799E+02 TD= 4.069482E-09 * * Modal impedances on modal positive z propagation delay lines * RZC_pz_d2_m1_e1 47 1 1.980799E+02 * * Modal impedances on modal negative z propagation delay lines * RZC_mz_d2_m1_e2 46 1 1.980799E+02 * * Delay line frequency dependent controlled sources for positive z propagation * E_m_pz_d2_m1_e1 48 50 38 1 2.000000E+00 E_m_pz_d2_m1_e2 50 1 44 1 -1.000000E+00 * * Delay line frequency dependent controlled sources for negative z propagation * E_m_mz_d2_m1_e1 49 51 40 1 2.000000E+00 E_m_mz_d2_m1_e2 51 1 45 1 -1.000000E+00 * * START OF INCIDENT FIELD EXCITATION MODELS * * * Incident field delay lines, Tz delay * T_Tz_Einc 53 1 54 1 Z0= 0.500000E+02 TD= 0.203474E-08 * * Matched impedance: Tz delay * RZC_Tz_Einc 54 1 0.500000E+02 * * Delay line controlled sources Tz delay * E1_Tz_Einc 53 1 2 3 0.100000E+01 * * Delay line Tz+T_victim(v_mode) * T_TzPTv_EINC_vm_1 55 1 56 1 Z0= 0.500000E+02 TD= 0.610422E-08 * * Matched impedance: Tz+T_victim(v_mode) delay * RZC_TzPTv_EINC_vm_1 56 1 0.500000E+02 * * Incident field delay line controlled source: Tz+T_victim(v_mode) delay * E1_TzPTv_EINC_vm_1 55 1 2 3 0.100000E+01 * * Incident field delay line T_victim(v_mode) * T_Tv_EINC_vm_1 57 1 58 1 Z0= 0.500000E+02 TD= 0.406948E-08 * * Matched impedance T_victim(v_mode) delay * RZC_Tv_EINC_vm_1 58 1 0.500000E+02 * * Controlled source for T_victim(v_mode) delay * E1_Tv_EINC_vm_1 57 1 2 3 0.100000E+01 * * Circuit to combine incident field excitation terms * E_zt_dsum_s_EINC_vm_1_E1 59 1 2 3 0.299883E-01 E_zt_dsum_s_EINC_vm_1_E2 60 59 56 1 -0.299883E-01 E_zt_dsum_l_EINC_vm_1_E1 61 1 58 1 -0.318364E-02 E_zt_dsum_l_EINC_vm_1_E2 62 61 54 1 0.318364E-02 * * Large resistance to complete the circuit for the series voltage sources * R_Einc_dsum_l_EINC_vm_1 62 1 0.100000E+11 R_Einc_dsum_s_EINC_vm_1 60 1 0.100000E+11 * * Incident field excitation sources, end 1 * E_Einc_s_EINC_vm_1 42 1 60 1 1.000000E+00 * * Incident field excitation sources, end 2 * E_Einc_l_EINC_vm_1 43 1 62 1 1.000000E+00 * .ends *