! ! This file is part of SACAMOS, State of the Art CAble MOdels in Spice. ! It was developed by the University of Nottingham and the Netherlands Aerospace ! Centre (NLR) for ESA under contract number 4000112765/14/NL/HK. ! ! Copyright (C) 2016-2017 University of Nottingham ! ! SACAMOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the ! terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ! Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ! version. ! ! SACAMOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ! for more details. ! ! A copy of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in the ! file GNU_GPL_v3 in the root or at . ! ! SACAMOS uses the EISPACK library (in /SRC/EISPACK). EISPACK is subject to ! the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! License version can be found in the file GNU_LGPL in the root of EISPACK ! (/SRC/EISPACK ) or at . ! ! The University of Nottingham can be contacted at: ggiemr@nottingham.ac.uk ! ! File Contents: ! ! SUBROUTINE Laplace ! FUNCTION ismember ! ! NAME ! SUBROUTINE Laplace ! ! DESCRIPTION ! ! Calculation of Per-Unit-Length Capacitance, Conductance and Inductance matrices ! for multi-conductor configutations including lossy dielectric regions. ! The solution is based on the Finite Element method. ! ! The outer boundary of the problem space may be a conducting region or ! a free space boundary. If the outer boundary is free space then it should ! be circular and centred on the origin for correct application of the ! free space boundary condition. ! ! If a ground plane is present then it must be included in the input cross section ! geometry as a finite conductor within the free space outer boundary. ! ! The last conductor specified is always the reference conductor in the per-unit-length ! parameter matrices returned ! ! Lossy dielectrics are taken into account by specifying a frequency and ! complex relative permittivity values at that frequency. ! ! The solution calculates the C and G matrices, The inductance matrix, L is calculated ! as [L]=[C^-1]*mu0*eps0*epsr where epsr is the background relative permittivity ! so the inductance value is only correct for cross sections with homogeneous dielectric ! ! The subroutine requires an existing mesh file created by the open source software gmsh: see http://gmsh.info/ ! This mesh format must be converted into the format required by the NLR Laplace software. ! ! The underlying theory of the Finite Element formulation may be found in Theory_Manual_Section 4 ! ! The process implemented is as follows: ! STAGE 1: Read the mesh information and the associated boundary information ! STAGE 2: Convert gmsh format data to laplace format ! STAGE 3: Create the boundary element list for PEC or outer boundaries ! STAGE 4: Create the boundary node list ! STAGE 5: Set the material information ! STAGE 6: Filter out the unused nodes from gmsh and renumber the new node list ! STAGE 7: Determine which of the nodes are unknown ! STAGE 8: work out the mapping of node numbers to knowns and unknowns ! STAGE 9: Create the known voltage vectors ! STAGE 10: Derive the necessary element properties ! STAGE 10a: Determine K matrix elements for the unknowns ! STAGE 10b: Determine K_rhs matrix that will be used to compute the rhs vector from the knowns. ! STAGE 10c: Determine contribution to the K matrix do the unknowns from the asymptotic boundary condition on the open boundary ! STAGE 11: Matrix solution of the finite element equations ! STAGE 11a: fill the K matrix from the array of K matrix elements calculated in STAGE 10a, 10c ! STAGE 11b: fill the K_rhs matrix from the array of K_rhs matrix elements calculated in STAGE 10b ! STAGE 11c: Invert the K matrix ! STAGE 11d loop over all the RHS vectors solving the matrix equation ! STAGE 12 Determine the voltage phi in each node of the mesh ! STAGE 13: Capacitance and Conductance matrix computation from electric energy ! STAGE 14: Inductance matrix computation from inverse of capacitance matrix ! STAGE 15: Copy the inductance, capacitance and conductance matrices to the output matrices making them explicitly symmetrical ! STAGE 16: plot potentials to vtk file for visualisation if required ! STAGE 17: plot mesh to vtk file for visualisation if required ! STAGE 18: deallocate memory ! ! References in the comments are to the Theory Manual and also the following book: ! Jian-Ming Jin, "The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics" 3rd Edition, John Wiley & sons 2014. ! (Chapter 4.) ! ! COMMENTS ! This version uses complex arithmetic to include ! lossy dielectrics and hence a conductance matrix may be calculated. ! ! The finite element equations are soolved using a (slow) direct matrix inverse. ! Although we need to solve the equations for multiple right hand sides, a sparse matrix method may be better... ! ! Do we need a contribution to the energy calculation from the field outside the free space boundary condition? See comment in STAGE 13 ! ! HISTORY ! started 5/7/2016 CJS. This subroutineis based on software from NLR and has been ! translated from Matlab to Fortran. ! 8/5/2017 CJS: Include references to Theory_Manual ! 19/6/2018 CJS: Include iterative solver based on the biconjugate gradient method ! SUBROUTINE Laplace(mesh_filename,dim,first_surface_is_free_space_boundary, & n_dielectric_regions,dielectric_region_epsr,frequency,Lmat,Cmat,Gmat,ox,oy) ! ! Look for and remove any nodes which do not form part of the mesh. This is required when ! running with gmsh. ! USE type_specifications USE constants USE general_module USE maths IMPLICIT NONE ! variables passed to subroutine character(LEN=filename_length),intent(IN) :: mesh_filename ! name of the gmsh file for the computational mesh integer,intent(IN) :: dim ! dimension of matrix system logical,intent(IN) :: first_surface_is_free_space_boundary ! flag to indicate properties on the first surface defined integer,intent(IN) :: n_dielectric_regions ! number of dielectric regions complex(dp),intent(IN) :: dielectric_region_epsr(0:n_dielectric_regions) ! complex relative permittivity for each mesh region ! note, include a property for region 0, the 'background' region real(dp),intent(IN) :: frequency ! frequency for L,C,G matrix calculation real(dp),intent(OUT) :: Lmat(dim,dim) ! Inductance matrix to be calculated real(dp),intent(OUT) :: Cmat(dim,dim) ! Capacitance matrix to be calculated real(dp),intent(OUT) :: Gmat(dim,dim) ! Conductance matrix to be calculated real(dp),intent(IN) :: ox ! mesh centre offset in x used for plotting meshes if required real(dp),intent(IN) :: oy ! mesh centre offset in y used for plotting meshes if required ! local variables ! User defined type for boundary information type :: boundary_data integer :: N_elements_boundary integer,allocatable :: boundary_elements(:,:) ! list of boundary elements, boundary_elements(be,1)= element number, boundary_elements(be,2)= boundary condition number integer :: N_nodes_boundary integer,allocatable :: boundary_nodes(:,:) ! list of boundary nodes, boundary_nodes(bnode,1)= node number, boundary_nodes(bnode,2)= boundary condition number end type boundary_data ! variables for reading the gmsh mesh file before conversion to the Laplace format integer :: n_conductors integer,allocatable :: point_to_boundary_list(:) ! if a point is on an external boundary then put that boundary number in this list integer,allocatable :: boundary_segment_to_boundary_number_list(:) ! this list relates the individual boundary segments to the boundary numbers (i.e. conductor numbers) integer :: bs ! boundary segment number integer :: first_surface ! first_surface=0 if we have a free space outer boundary, 1 otherwise ! Laplace variables integer :: N_nodes_in ! number of nodes in the gmsh file (this is not necessarily the number of nodes in the FE mesh) integer :: N_elements_in ! number of elements in the gmsh file (this is not necessarily the number of triangular elements in the FE mesh) integer :: n_boundaries ! number of boundaries, not including dielectric (internal) boundaries integer :: N_boundaries_max ! maximum boundary number generated by PUL_LC_Laplace and found insolve_real_symm(n, b, x,tol) the mesh file integer :: N_boundary ! number of viable boundaries in the mesh i.e. boundaries with two or more points on integer :: boundary_number integer :: N_elements_boundary_temp integer :: N_nodes_boundary_temp integer :: n_boundary_segments integer,allocatable :: N_elements_boundary(:) ! number of elements on each boundary integer,allocatable :: N_nodes_boundary(:) ! number of nodes on each boundary type(boundary_data),allocatable :: boundary_info(:) ! for each boundary the boundary data is a list of elements and nodes on the boundary real(dp),allocatable :: node_coordinates_in(:,:) ! Node coordinate list read from gmsh - note that some of these nodes are not used in the finite element solution integer :: N_nodes ! number of nodes input to Laplace real(dp),allocatable :: node_coordinates(:,:) ! Node coordinate list input to the NLR Laplace process integer :: N_elements ! number of elements input to Laplace integer,allocatable :: Element_data(:,:) ! Element data input to the NLR Laplace process integer,allocatable :: old_node_to_new_node_number(:) ! node re-numbering array integer :: N_materials ! number of dielectric materials (including the background permittivity) real(dp),allocatable :: Mat_prop(:,:) ! material proparties integer,allocatable :: Node_Type(:) ! if the node is on a conductor then this holds the conductor number, otherwise it is zero integer,allocatable :: Node_to_Known_Unknown(:) ! list of all the nodes which points to the appropriate place in the list of knows or unknowns as appropriate integer,allocatable :: Vector_of_Knowns(:) ! list of all the boundary nodes i.e. those which will have known potentials integer :: N_unknown ! number of known node voltages i.e. those on which fixed potential boundary conditions are applied integer :: N_known ! number of unknown node voltages integer :: jmax ! maximum boundary number (i.e. number of conductors) ! this is used to determine the number of finite element solutions (right hand solve_real_symm(n, b, x,tol)sides to solve for) to ! fill the capacitance/conductance matrix integer :: total_n_boundary_nodes ! total number of boundary nodes i.e. the number of known node values ! array of potentials for each of the finite element vector solutions. This includes both initially known and initially unknown potentials complex(dp),allocatable :: V(:,:,:) ! Element properties complex(dp),allocatable :: b(:,:) ! element based array of constants related to the element geometry complex(dp),allocatable :: c(:,:) ! element based array of constants related to the element geometry complex(dp),allocatable :: delta(:) ! element based array with a value related to the element geometry complex(dp),allocatable :: eps_r(:) ! element based array with the complex relative permittivity of the element ! !integer :: n_entrysolve_real_symm(n, b, x,tol) !! 1D arrays used in the construction of the K matrix ( K(i_K(:),j_K(:))=K(i_K(:),j_K(:))+s_K(:) ) !integer,allocatable :: i_K(:) !integer,allocatable :: j_K(:) !complex(dp),allocatable :: s_K(:) ! 1D arrays used in the construction of the right hand side vectors ( K_rhs(i_K_rhs(:),j_K_rhs(:))=K_rhs(i_K_rhs(:),j_K_rhs(:))+s_K_rhs(:) ) integer,allocatable :: i_K_rhs(:) ! row number integer,allocatable :: j_K_rhs(:) ! col number complex(dp),allocatable :: s_K_rhs(:) ! value complex(dp),allocatable :: x(:,:,:) ! array of solution vectors, one for each each finite element solution required to complete the C/G matrices complex(dp),allocatable :: x_tmp(:) ! single solution vector complex(dp),allocatable :: b_tmp(:) ! single right hand side vector: b_tmp=-matmul(K_rhs,v_tmp) complex(dp),allocatable :: v_tmp(:) ! temporary array with known boundary voltages used for constructing the right hand side complex(dp),allocatable :: K(:,:) ! Finite element equation coefficient matrix complex(dp),allocatable :: KI(:,:) ! Inverse of the Finite element equation coefficient matrix complex(dp),allocatable :: K_rhs(:,:) ! array of right hand side vectors, one for each each finite element solution required to complete the C/G matrices complex(dp),allocatable :: phi(:,:,:) ! node based potential values for each finite element solution complex(dp),allocatable :: energy(:,:) ! energy values for each of the finite element solutions ! matrices determined from energy calculations real(dp),allocatable :: Inductance_energy(:,:) real(dp),allocatable :: Capacitance_energy(:,:) real(dp),allocatable :: Conductance_energy(:,:) ! temporary variables used for loops, counters, intermediate results used in calculations etc. integer :: node,new_node integer :: element integer :: n_entry_K_rhs integer :: n1,n2,n3 complex(dp) :: x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3 integer :: Mat_Type integer :: n1_el,n2_el,n3_el integer :: el integer :: n_el_bnd ! loop variable for elements on the boundary complex(dp) :: rho,gamma,ls complex(dp) :: b3,bc_comp,c3,delta_energy,delta_Q,phi_comp integer :: nd1,nd2,p real(dp) :: x_centre,y_centre character(LEN=filename_length) :: filename character(LEN=line_length) :: line real(dp) :: scale ! temporary variables and loop counters integer :: i,ii,i1,i2,loop,count integer :: nb1,nb2,nb3,nbcount integer :: itmp,type,itmp2,itmp3,itmp4 integer :: jj,j1,j2 integer :: n_nodes_bnd integer :: n_con integer :: nr integer :: ierr ! error code for matrix inversion ! variables for iterative solver logical checkA integer itnlim real(dp) rtol integer nout logical goodb logical precon real(dp) shift integer istop, itn real(dp) anorm, acond, rnorm, ynorm real(dp),allocatable :: r1(:) real(dp),allocatable :: r2(:) real(dp),allocatable :: vt(:) real(dp),allocatable :: wt(:) real(dp),allocatable :: yt(:) real(dp),allocatable :: bt(:) real(dp),allocatable :: xt(:) logical :: lossy_dielectric ! flag to indicate lossy dielectric i.e. we must solve a complex problem logical :: wantse integer :: n,m real(dp) :: atol, btol, conlim, damp real(dp) :: Arnorm, xnorm real(dp),allocatable :: se(:) real(dp) :: Vout ! START if (verbose) write(*,*)'CALLED: Laplace' ! STAGE 1. Read the mesh information and the associated boundary information n_conductors=dim+1 ! number of conductors, used to establish which boundaries are conductors ! Establish the number of external boundaries evaluated as ! the number of conducting boundaries + outer boundary if it exists ! note that dielectric boundaries are not external boundaries as they have mesh both sides. N_boundaries=n_conductors if (first_surface_is_free_space_boundary) N_boundaries=N_boundaries+1 ! open the file with the boundary information produced by PUL_LC_Laplace and written to file there open(unit=boundary_file_unit,file=boundary_file_name,status='OLD',err=9020) if (verbose) write(*,*)'Opened file:',boundary_file_name read(boundary_file_unit,*,end=9030)n_boundary_segments ALLOCATE( boundary_segment_to_boundary_number_list(1:n_boundary_segments) ) do i=1,n_boundary_segments read(boundary_file_unit,*,end=9030)ii,boundary_segment_to_boundary_number_list(i) end do ! close the boundary information file close(unit=boundary_file_unit) if (verbose) write(*,*)'Closed file:',boundary_file_name ! open and read the mesh file produced by gmsh open(unit=mesh_file_unit,file=mesh_filename,status='OLD',err=9000) if (verbose) write(*,*)'opened mesh file:',trim(mesh_filename) ! read to the start of the node list do read(mesh_file_unit,'(A)',end=9010)line if (line(1:6).EQ.'$Nodes') exit end do read(mesh_file_unit,*)n_nodes_in ALLOCATE ( node_coordinates_in(1:N_nodes_in,1:3) ) ALLOCATE( point_to_boundary_list(1:N_nodes_in) ) do i=1,n_nodes_in read(mesh_file_unit,*)itmp,node_coordinates_in(i,2),node_coordinates_in(i,3) node_coordinates_in(i,1)=i end do ! read to the start of the element list do read(mesh_file_unit,'(A)',end=9010)line if (line(1:9).EQ.'$Elements') exit end do ! read the element list read(mesh_file_unit,*)n_elements_in ALLOCATE ( Element_data(1:n_elements_in,1:5) ) ! note that we allocate data for all the gmesh elements, even though some are line elements and not needed. Element_data(1:n_elements_in,1:5)=0 point_to_boundary_list(:)=0 n_boundaries_max=0 n_elements=0 ! counter for triangular elements do i=1,n_elements_in ! The gmsh file includes elements of type 1 (boundary line segments) and type 2 (triangular elements) ! These are dealt with differently so first read the line from the file into a string, then process the string as required ! for these two cases. read(mesh_file_unit,'(A256)')line read(line,*)itmp,type if (type.EQ.2) then ! this is a triangular element so put the data in the element list n_elements=n_elements+1 ! increase the count of triangular elements read(line,*)itmp,type,itmp2,itmp3, & Element_data(n_elements,5), & Element_data(n_elements,2), & Element_data(n_elements,3), & Element_data(n_elements,4) Element_data(n_elements,1)=n_elements else if (type.EQ.1) then ! this is a boundary segment read(line,*)itmp,type,itmp2,itmp3,itmp4,nb1,nb2 bs=itmp4 ! this is the boundary line segment number (not the boundary number) boundary_number=boundary_segment_to_boundary_number_list(bs) ! get the boundary number for this line segment n_boundaries_max=max(n_boundaries_max,boundary_number) ! update the maximum number of boundaries ! only include 'external' boundaries in the point_to_boundary_list, not internal dielectric boundaries if (boundary_number.LE.N_boundaries) then point_to_boundary_list(nb1)=boundary_number point_to_boundary_list(nb2)=boundary_number end if end if ! element type end do ! next element ! close the mesh file produced by gmsh close(unit=mesh_file_unit) if (verbose) write(*,*)'closed mesh file:',trim(mesh_filename) ! Establish whether the first surface is a free space boundary or a conductor if (first_surface_is_free_space_boundary) then first_surface=0 else first_surface=1 end if ! STAGE 2: Convert gmsh format data to laplace format ! note that the gmsh node list includes points which are not in the mesh e.g. the points which define the centres of the circular arcs ! these points are removed in the conversion to the Laplace input structures if (verbose) then write(*,*)'Number of nodes in the mesh file=',N_nodes_in write(*,*)'Number of elements=',N_elements write(*,*)' Allocate and read nodes' write(*,*)' Allocate and read boundary information' write(*,*)'Number of boundaries including dielectric boundaries=',n_boundaries_max write(*,*)'Number of boundaries not including dielectric boundaries=',n_boundaries end if ! verbose ! check the boundary count if(n_boundaries.GT.n_boundaries_max) then write(run_status,*)'ERROR in Laplace. Inconsistent boundary count ',N_boundaries_max,n_boundaries CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 end if ALLOCATE ( N_elements_boundary(1:N_boundaries_max) ) ALLOCATE ( N_nodes_boundary(1:N_boundaries_max) ) ALLOCATE ( boundary_info(1:N_boundaries_max) ) ! STAGE 3: Create the boundary element list but only for PEC or outer boundaries N_boundary=0 do i=1,n_boundaries if(verbose) write(*,*)'Setting boundary number',i,'of ',n_boundaries count=0 do loop=1,2 ! The first time through the loop, count the number of elements with two or more nodes on the current boundary ! The second time through the loop, allocate and fill the boundary_info element information ! (element number and boundary condition number) if (loop.eq.2) then ! count is the number of boundary elements N_elements_boundary_temp=count count=0 if (N_elements_boundary_temp.GT.0) then N_boundary=N_boundary+1 N_elements_boundary(N_boundary)=N_elements_boundary_temp boundary_info(N_boundary)%N_elements_boundary=N_elements_boundary_temp if(verbose) then write(*,*)'N_boundary=',N_boundary,' N_boundaries_max=',N_boundaries_max write(*,*)'Number of boundary elements =',N_elements_boundary_temp, & ' boundary condition',first_surface+i-1 end if ALLOCATE ( boundary_info(N_boundary)%boundary_elements(1:N_elements_boundary_temp,1:2) ) end if end if ! loop over elements do ii=1,n_elements nb1=point_to_boundary_list(Element_data(ii,2)) nb2=point_to_boundary_list(Element_data(ii,3)) nb3=point_to_boundary_list(Element_data(ii,4)) ! work out how many of the nodes on this element are on the current boundary nbcount=0 if(nb1.eq.i) nbcount=nbcount+1 if(nb2.eq.i) nbcount=nbcount+1 if(nb3.eq.i) nbcount=nbcount+1 if (nbcount.GE.2) then ! the element has at least one edge on this boundary count=count+1 if (loop.eq.2) then boundary_info(N_boundary)%boundary_elements(count,1)=ii ! element number boundary_info(N_boundary)%boundary_elements(count,2)=first_surface+i-1 ! boundary number end if ! second time round loop so we can record the boundary data end if ! there are elements on this boundary end do ! next element in mesh end do ! next loop (1,2) ! create boundary node list count=0 do loop=1,2 ! The first time through the loop, count the number of nodes on the current boundary ! The second time through the loop, allocate and fill the boundary_info node information ! (node number and boundary condition number) if (loop.eq.2) then ! count is the number of boundary nodes N_nodes_boundary_temp=count count=0 if (N_nodes_boundary_temp.GT.0) then N_nodes_boundary(N_boundary)=N_nodes_boundary_temp boundary_info(N_boundary)%N_nodes_boundary=N_nodes_boundary_temp if(verbose) then write(*,*)'N_boundary=',N_boundary,' N_boundaries_max=',N_boundaries_max write(*,*)'Number of boundary points =',N_nodes_boundary_temp, & ' boundary condition',first_surface+i-1 end if ALLOCATE ( boundary_info(N_boundary)%boundary_nodes(1:N_nodes_boundary_temp,1:2) ) end if end if do ii=1,n_nodes_in if(point_to_boundary_list(ii).eq.i) then ! the node is on this boundary count=count+1 if (loop.eq.2) then boundary_info(N_boundary)%boundary_nodes(count,1)=ii ! point number boundary_info(N_boundary)%boundary_nodes(count,2)=first_surface+i-1 ! boundary condition number end if ! second time round loop so we can record the boundary data end if ! there are nodes on this boundary end do ! next node in mesh end do ! next loop (1,2) end do ! next boundary, i if (verbose) write(*,*)'n_boundaries=',n_boundaries,' N_boundary=',N_boundary ! STAGE 5: Set the material information if (verbose) write(*,*)' Read material information' ! Set for single material with free space properties and a frequency of 1MHz N_materials=n_dielectric_regions+1 ! add a free space region if (verbose) write(*,*)' Number of materials=',N_materials ALLOCATE ( Mat_prop(1:N_materials,1:4) ) lossy_dielectric=.FALSE. do i=1,N_materials Mat_prop(i,1)=i ! material number Mat_prop(i,2)=dble(dielectric_region_epsr(i-1)) ! Re{epsr} Mat_prop(i,3)=aimag(dielectric_region_epsr(i-1)) ! Im{epsr} Mat_prop(i,4)=frequency if ( abs(Mat_prop(i,3)).GT.small ) lossy_dielectric=.TRUE. if (verbose) then count=0 do element=1,N_elements if (Element_data(element,5).EQ.i) count=count+1 end do write(*,*)'Region:',i,' epsr=',Mat_prop(i,2),'+j',Mat_prop(i,3),' n_elements=',count end if ! verbose end do ! next material if (verbose) write(*,*)'frequency=',frequency ! STAGE 6: Filter out the unused nodes from gmsh and renumber the new node list ! work out how many nodes are actually used in the mesh ! then recreate the node list. This is required for meshes produced by gmsh ! which have unused nodes in the coordinate list. ALLOCATE( old_node_to_new_node_number(1:N_nodes_in) ) old_node_to_new_node_number(1:N_nodes_in)=0 ! set all the elements of the renumbering array to zero - this indicates a node has not been renumberd yet N_nodes=0 ! loop over elements do element=1,N_elements ! loop over the three nodes in this element do i=1,3 node=Element_data(element,i+1) ! check whether this node has already been found if (old_node_to_new_node_number(node).EQ.0) then ! new node found so increase the number of nodes and renumber this node to the new node number created N_nodes=N_nodes+1 old_node_to_new_node_number(node)=N_nodes end if ! renumber the node Element_data(element,i+1)=old_node_to_new_node_number(node) end do ! next node in this element end do ! next element if (verbose) then write(*,*)'Number of nodes read=',N_nodes_in write(*,*)'Number of nodes used=',N_nodes end if ! renumber the nodes in the boundary list do i=1,N_boundary n_nodes_bnd=N_nodes_boundary(i) do jj=1,n_nodes_bnd node=boundary_info(i)%Boundary_nodes(jj,1) boundary_info(i)%Boundary_nodes(jj,1)=old_node_to_new_node_number(node) end do ! next node on this boundary end do ! next boundary ! create the node_coordinate list to be used in the NLR Laplace Finite Element solution ALLOCATE ( node_coordinates(1:N_nodes,1:3) ) do node=1,N_nodes_in new_node=old_node_to_new_node_number(node) if (new_node.NE.0) then ! the node exists in the mesh node_coordinates(new_node,1:3)=node_coordinates_in(node,1:3) end if end do DEALLOCATE( old_node_to_new_node_number ) DEALLOCATE( node_coordinates_in ) ! STAGE 7: Determine which of the nodes are unknown if(verbose) write(*,*)'Determine which of the nodes are unknown' ! Determine which of the nodes are unknown (these will be marked by ! the integer 0) and which are known (these will be marked by integers ! > 0 that indicate the conductor number) ALLOCATE( Node_Type(1:N_nodes) ) Node_Type(1:N_nodes)=0 ! assume all nodes are unknown to start do i=1,N_boundary ! loop over boundaries n_nodes_bnd=N_nodes_boundary(i) ! number of nodes on this boundary n_con=boundary_info(i)%boundary_nodes(1,2) ! number of the boundary condition on this boundary do jj=1,n_nodes_bnd ! loop over the boundary nodes nr=boundary_info(i)%Boundary_nodes(jj,1) ! get the node number of this boundary node Node_Type(nr)=n_con ! set the node type to the boundary conductor number end do end do ! STAGE 8: work out the mapping of node numbers to knowns and unknowns if(verbose) write(*,*)' Mapping node numbers to unknowns and knowns ' ! Mapping node numbers to unknowns and knowns ! Mapping knowns to different boundary values N_unknown=0 N_known=0 jmax=0 ALLOCATE ( Node_to_Known_Unknown(1:N_nodes) ) Node_to_Known_Unknown(1:N_nodes)=0 ! count the total number of boundary nodes (this is the number of knowns) total_n_boundary_nodes=0 do i=1,N_boundary total_n_boundary_nodes=total_n_boundary_nodes+boundary_info(i)%N_nodes_boundary end do if (verbose) write(*,*)'Total number of boundary nodes=',total_n_boundary_nodes ALLOCATE ( Vector_of_Knowns(1:total_n_boundary_nodes) ) Vector_of_Knowns(1:total_n_boundary_nodes)=0 do i=1,N_nodes if (Node_Type(i).EQ.0) then N_unknown=N_unknown+1 Node_to_Known_Unknown(i)=N_unknown else N_known=N_known+1 Node_to_Known_Unknown(i)=N_known do jj=1,N_boundary if (Node_Type(i).EQ.jj) then Vector_of_Knowns(N_known)=jj if (jj.GT.jmax) then jmax=jj end if end if end do end if end do if (verbose) write(*,*)'Maximum boundary number, jmax=',jmax, 'N_boundary=',N_boundary ! STAGE 9: Create the known voltage vectors if (verbose) write(*,*)' Create known voltage vectors' ! Create known voltage vectors with: ! 1) one conductor set to voltage=1V and the ! other conductors all set to 0V. ! 2) two conductors set to voltage=1V and the ! other conductors set to 1V. ALLOCATE ( V(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1,1:N_known) ) V(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1,1:N_known)=0d0 ! The last conductor is always set to 0V as ! it is taken as the reference. This means that the ground plane, if it exists is always the reference condcutor. do j1=1,jmax-1 do j2=j1,jmax-1 do i=1,N_known if (Vector_of_Knowns(i).EQ.(j1)) then V(j1,j2,i)=1.0 end if if (Vector_of_Knowns(i).EQ.(j2)) then V(j1,j2,i)=1.0 end if end do end do end do ! Stage 10: Derive the necessary element properties if (verbose) write(*,*)' Derive the necessary element properties' ALLOCATE( b(1:N_elements,1:3) ) ALLOCATE( c(1:N_elements,1:3) ) ALLOCATE( delta(1:N_elements) ) ALLOCATE( eps_r(1:N_elements) ) b(1:N_elements,1:3)=0d0 c(1:N_elements,1:3)=0d0 delta(1:N_elements)=0d0 eps_r(1:N_elements)=0d0 ! do this twice, the first time to count the numbers of entries and to allocate the memory, the second to fill the memory do loop=1,2 n_entry=0 n_entry_K_rhs=0 ! loop over elements do i=1,N_elements ! get the node numbers for the 3 nodes on this element n1=Element_data(i,2) n2=Element_data(i,3) n3=Element_data(i,4) ! get the coordinates of the nodes x1=Node_Coordinates(n1,2) y1=Node_Coordinates(n1,3) x2=Node_Coordinates(n2,2) y2=Node_Coordinates(n2,3) x3=Node_Coordinates(n3,2) y3=Node_Coordinates(n3,3) ! Calculate b and c coefficients, delta (element area) (equation 4.24, J-M.Jin) b(i,1)=y2-y3 b(i,2)=y3-y1 b(i,3)=y1-y2 c(i,1)=x3-x2 c(i,2)=x1-x3 c(i,3)=x2-x1 delta(i)=0.5*(b(i,1)*c(i,2)-b(i,2)*c(i,1)) Mat_Type=Element_data(i,5) ! material number for this element eps_r(i)=Mat_Prop(Mat_Type,2)+j*Mat_Prop(Mat_Type,3) ! relative permittivity in this material region ! STAGE 10a: Determine K matrix elements related to the unknowns ! STAGE 10b: Determine K_rhs matrix that will be used to compute the rhs vector from the knowns. ! See section for a description of the assembly of the system of equations (K matrix elements) ! and section for a description of the assembly of the RHS terms. if (Node_Type(n1).EQ.0) then ! node n1 is not on a conducting boundary n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) s_K(n_entry)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,1)*b(i,1)+c(i,1)*c(i,1)) ! K11, equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0, i=j (diagonal element) end if if (Node_Type(n2).EQ.0) then ! neither node 1 nor node 2 are on conductors n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) s_K(n_entry)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,1)*b(i,2)+c(i,1)*c(i,2)) ! K12, equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) s_K(n_entry)=s_K(n_entry-1) ! K21=K12 end if else ! node 2 is on a conductor so therefore has a known value so the contribution goes to the right hand side n_entry_K_rhs=n_entry_K_rhs+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) j_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) s_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,1)*b(i,2)+c(i,1)*c(i,2)) ! equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if end if if (Node_Type(n3).EQ.0) then ! neither node 1 nor node 3 are on conductors n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) s_K(n_entry)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,1)*b(i,3)+c(i,1)*c(i,3)) ! K13, equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) s_K(n_entry)=s_K(n_entry-1) ! K31=K13 end if else ! node 3 is on a conductor so therefore has a known value so the contribution goes to the right hand side n_entry_K_rhs=n_entry_K_rhs+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) j_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) s_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,1)*b(i,3)+c(i,1)*c(i,3)) ! equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if end if end if if (Node_Type(n2).EQ.0) then ! node n2 is not on a conducting boundary if (Node_Type(n1).NE.0) then ! node n1 is on a conductor so therefore has a known value so the contribution goes to the right hand side n_entry_K_rhs=n_entry_K_rhs+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) j_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) s_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,1)*b(i,2)+c(i,1)*c(i,2)) ! equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if end if n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) s_K(n_entry)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,2)*b(i,2)+c(i,2)*c(i,2)) ! equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0, i=j (diagonal element) end if if (Node_Type(n3).EQ.0) then ! node n3 is not on a conducting boundary n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) s_K(n_entry)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,2)*b(i,3)+c(i,2)*c(i,3)) ! K23, equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) s_K(n_entry)=s_K(n_entry-1) ! K32=K23 end if else ! node n3 is on a conductor so therefore has a known value so the contribution goes to the right hand side n_entry_K_rhs=n_entry_K_rhs+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) j_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) s_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,2)*b(i,3)+c(i,2)*c(i,3)) ! equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if end if end if if (Node_Type(n3).EQ.0) then ! node n3 is not on a conducting boundary if (Node_Type(n1).NE.0) then ! node n1 is on a conductor so therefore has a known value so the contribution goes to the right hand side n_entry_K_rhs=n_entry_K_rhs+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) j_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) s_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,1)*b(i,3)+c(i,1)*c(i,3)) ! equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if end if if (Node_Type(n2).NE.0) then ! node n2 is on a conductor so therefore has a known value so the contribution goes to the right hand side n_entry_K_rhs=n_entry_K_rhs+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) j_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) s_K_rhs(n_entry_K_rhs)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,2)*b(i,3)+c(i,2)*c(i,3)) ! equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0 end if end if n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n3) s_K(n_entry)=(eps_r(i)/(4.0*delta(i)))*(b(i,3)*b(i,3)+c(i,3)*c(i,3)) ! K33, equation 4.33 with alpha_x=alpha_y=epsr, beta=0, i=j (diagonal element) end if end if end do ! next element if ( (loop.eq.1).AND.(verbose) ) then write(*,*)' Determine contribution to the K matrix due to ' write(*,*)' the unknowns from the asymptotic boundary condition on the open boundary' end if ! STAGE 10c: Determine contribution to the K matrix do the unknowns ! from the asymptotic boundary condition on the open boundary do i=1,N_boundary ! loop over the boundaries in the n_el_bnd=N_elements_boundary(i) ! number of elements on this boundary n_con=boundary_info(i)%boundary_elements(1,2) ! condcutor number on this boundary if (n_con.EQ.0) then ! boundary condition set to zero indicates an open boundary so work out the open boundary contribution here do jj=1,n_el_bnd ! loop over the elements on the boundary el=boundary_info(i)%boundary_elements(jj,1) ! get the element number n1_el=Element_data(el,2) ! get the node numbers on this element n2_el=Element_data(el,3) n3_el=Element_data(el,4) ! get the two nodes on the boundary and call them n1 and n2 if (ismember(n1_el,boundary_info(i)%boundary_nodes,boundary_info(i)%N_nodes_boundary,1).EQ.1) then n1=n1_el if (ismember(n2_el,boundary_info(i)%boundary_nodes,boundary_info(i)%N_nodes_boundary,1).EQ.1) then n2=n2_el else n2=n3_el end if else n1=n2_el n2=n3_el end if x1=Node_Coordinates(n1,2) ! get the coordinats of the boundary nodes y1=Node_Coordinates(n1,3) x2=Node_Coordinates(n2,2) y2=Node_Coordinates(n2,3) x_centre=(x1+x2)/2 ! get the coordinates of the centre point of the boundary element edge y_centre=(y1+y2)/2 rho=sqrt(x_centre**2+y_centre**2) ! get the distance from the centre of the problem space (assumed to be 0,0) to the boundary element edge centre ls=sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2) ! l2= boundary element edge length if (use_ABC) then ! This implements an asymptotic boundary condition. This apears to cause convergence ! issues for the Capacitance matrix calculation so should be used with caution. ! The default is the Neumann boundary condition (gamma=0) gamma=-eps_r(el)/(log(rho)*rho) ! gamma (see equation 4.3 with equation 4.93) else ! Neumann boundary condition on the outer boundary. This effectively sets the charge to zero on the outer ! boundary and the convergence of the capacitance matrix is improved compared with the ABC gamma=0d0 end if ! K11 contributions according to equation 4.51 (note delta_ij=1 if i=j, 0 otherwise) n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) s_K(n_entry)=gamma*ls/3.0 ! i=j=n1 end if ! K12 n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) s_K(n_entry)=gamma*ls/6.0 ! i=1, j=n2 end if ! K21 n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n1) s_K(n_entry)=gamma*ls/6.0 ! i=2, j=n1 end if ! K22 n_entry=n_entry+1 if (loop.EQ.2) then i_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) j_K(n_entry)=Node_to_Known_Unknown(n2) s_K(n_entry)=gamma*ls/3.0 ! i=j=n2 end if end do ! next element on the boundary end if end do ! next boundary if (loop.eq.1) then ! Allocate memory ALLOCATE( i_K(1:n_entry) ) ALLOCATE( j_K(1:n_entry) ) ALLOCATE( s_K(1:n_entry) ) ALLOCATE( i_K_rhs(1:n_entry_K_rhs) ) ALLOCATE( j_K_rhs(1:n_entry_K_rhs) ) ALLOCATE( s_K_rhs(1:n_entry_K_rhs) ) end if end do ! next loop i.e. after counting and allocating the memory required(loop=1) go back and fill the memory with the appropriate values (loop=2) ! STAGE 11: Matrix solution of the finite element equations ! the equation to solve is [s_K](x)=(s_K_rhs) ! allocate memory for the solution vectors ALLOCATE ( x(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1,1:N_unknown) ) ALLOCATE ( x_tmp(1:N_unknown) ) ALLOCATE ( b_tmp(1:N_unknown) ) ALLOCATE ( v_tmp(1:N_known) ) ! solution based on a full matrix inverse ALLOCATE ( K_rhs(1:N_unknown,1:N_known) ) if(verbose) then write(*,*)'Number of entries in K ',n_entry write(*,*)'Number of entries in K_rhs',n_entry_K_rhs end if ! STAGE 11b: fill the K_rhs matrix K_rhs(1:N_unknown,1:N_known)=0d0 do i=1,n_entry_K_rhs K_rhs(i_K_rhs(i),j_K_rhs(i))=K_rhs(i_K_rhs(i),j_K_rhs(i))+s_K_rhs(i) end do if(verbose) then write(*,*)'Dimension of K is',N_unknown,N_unknown write(*,*)'Dimension of K_rhs is',N_unknown,N_known else write(*,*)'Dimension of K in Laplace is',N_unknown,N_unknown end if if (direct_solver) then ALLOCATE ( K(1:N_unknown,1:N_unknown) ) ALLOCATE ( KI(1:N_unknown,1:N_unknown) ) ! STAGE 11a: fill the K matrix K(1:N_unknown,1:N_unknown)=0d0 do i=1,n_entry K(i_K(i),j_K(i))=K(i_K(i),j_K(i))+s_K(i) end do ! STAGE 11c: Invert the K matrix if(verbose) write(*,*)'Invert the K matrix' ierr=0 ! set ierr=0 to cause an error within cinvert_Gauss_Jordan if there is a problem calculating the inverse CALL cinvert_Gauss_Jordan(K,N_unknown,KI,N_unknown,ierr) ! STAGE 11d loop over all the RHS vectors solving the matrix equation do j1=1,jmax-1 do j2=j1,jmax-1 v_tmp(1:n_known)=V(j1,j2,1:n_known) b_tmp(1:N_unknown)=-matmul(K_rhs,v_tmp) x_tmp=matmul(KI,b_tmp) x(j1,j2,1:N_unknown)=x_tmp(1:N_unknown) end do end do else if(.NOT.lossy_dielectric) then checkA = .true. itnlim = N_unknown * 2 rtol = 1.0D-12 nout=6 goodb=.FALSE. precon = .FALSE. shift=0d0 allocate(r1(1:N_unknown)) allocate(r2(1:N_unknown)) allocate(vt(1:N_unknown)) allocate(wt(1:N_unknown)) allocate(yt(1:N_unknown)) allocate(xt(1:N_unknown)) allocate(bt(1:N_unknown)) ALLOCATE( s_K_re(1:n_entry) ) s_K_re(1:n_entry)=dble(s_K(1:n_entry)) ! Iterative solution do j1=1,jmax-1 do j2=j1,jmax-1 v_tmp(1:n_known)=V(j1,j2,1:n_known) b_tmp(1:N_unknown)=-matmul(K_rhs,v_tmp) bt(1:N_unknown)=b_tmp(1:N_unknown) ! UoN conjugate gradient solution CALL solve_real_symm(N_unknown, bt, xt, rtol) x(j1,j2,1:N_unknown)=xt(1:N_unknown) end do end do deallocate(r1) deallocate(r2) deallocate(vt) deallocate(wt) deallocate(yt) deallocate(xt) deallocate(bt) else if (lossy_dielectric) then itnlim=4*N_unknown nout=6 wantse=.FALSE. atol=1D-8 btol=1d-8 conlim=1d10 damp=0d0 allocate(se(1:N_unknown)) ! Iterative solution do j1=1,jmax-1 do j2=j1,jmax-1 v_tmp(1:n_known)=V(j1,j2,1:n_known) b_tmp(1:N_unknown)=-matmul(K_rhs,v_tmp) n=N_unknown m=N_unknown ! UoN conjugate gradient solution rtol = 1.0D-12 CALL solve_complex_symm(N_unknown, b_tmp, x_tmp, rtol) x(j1,j2,1:N_unknown)=x_tmp(1:N_unknown) end do end do deallocate(se) end if ! STAGE 12 Determine the voltage phi in each node of the mesh ALLOCATE ( phi(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1,1:N_nodes) ) phi(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1,1:N_nodes)=0d0 do j1=1,jmax-1 do j2=j1,jmax-1 do i=1,N_nodes if (Node_Type(i).EQ.0) then phi(j1,j2,i)=x(j1,j2,Node_to_Known_Unknown(i)) else phi(j1,j2,i)=V(j1,j2,Node_to_Known_Unknown(i)) end if end do end do end do if(verbose) write(*,*)' Capacitance computation from electric energy' ! STAGE 13: Capacitance computation from electric energy ! CJS comment: Should there be a contribution due to the asymptotic boundary? The boundary is not a 0V equipotential... ! The conclusion is that this contribution should be small and the solution as implemented here converges to ! the correct solution as the outer boundary distance is increased ALLOCATE ( energy(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1) ) energy(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1)=0d0 do j1=1,jmax-1 do j2=j1,jmax-1 do i=1,N_elements n1_el=Element_data(i,2) n2_el=Element_data(i,3) n3_el=Element_data(i,4) do nd1=1,3 do nd2=1,3 bc_comp=(b(i,nd1)*b(i,nd2)+c(i,nd1)*c(i,nd2)) phi_comp=phi(j1,j2,Element_data(i,nd1+1))*(phi(j1,j2,Element_data(i,nd2+1))) delta_energy=eps0*eps_r(i)*bc_comp*phi_comp/(8.0*delta(i)) energy(j1,j2)=energy(j1,j2)+delta_energy end do end do end do end do end do ALLOCATE ( Capacitance_energy(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1) ) Capacitance_energy(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1)=0d0 ALLOCATE ( Conductance_energy(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1) ) Conductance_energy(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1)=0d0 do j1=1,jmax-1 ! diagonal elements Capacitance_energy(j1,j1)=2.0*dble(energy(j1,j1)) Conductance_energy(j1,j1)=2.0*(-2d0*pi*frequency*aimag(energy(j1,j1))) ! off diagonal elements do j2=j1+1,jmax-1 ! Theory_Manual_Eqn 4.28 Capacitance_energy(j1,j2)=dble((energy(j1,j2)-energy(j1,j1)-energy(j2,j2))) Capacitance_energy(j2,j1)=Capacitance_energy(j1,j2) ! Theory_Manual_Eqn 4.29 Conductance_energy(j1,j2)=-2d0*pi*frequency*aimag((energy(j1,j2)-energy(j1,j1)-energy(j2,j2))) Conductance_energy(j2,j1)=Conductance_energy(j1,j2) end do end do if(verbose) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Capacitance matrix from energy' do j1=1,jmax-1 write(*,8000)( Capacitance_energy(j1,j2),j2=1,jmax-1 ) end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Conductance matrix from energy' do j1=1,jmax-1 write(*,8000)( Conductance_energy(j1,j2),j2=1,jmax-1 ) end do end if ! STAGE 14: Inductance matrix computation from inverse of capacitance matrix ALLOCATE ( Inductance_energy(1:jmax-1,1:jmax-1) ) ierr=0 ! set ierr=0 to cause an error if there is a problem calculating the inverse CALL dinvert_gauss_jordan(Capacitance_energy,jmax-1,Inductance_energy,jmax-1,ierr) ! Include the relative permittivity of the background medium Mat_Type=1 Inductance_energy(:,:)=Inductance_energy(:,:)*mu0*eps0*(Mat_Prop(Mat_Type,2)+j*Mat_Prop(Mat_Type,3)) if (verbose) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Inductance matrix from energy' do j1=1,jmax-1 write(*,8000)( Inductance_energy(j1,j2),j2=1,jmax-1 ) end do end if 8000 format(100E12.4) ! STAGE 15: Copy the inductance, capacitance and conductance matrices to the output matrices ! Making the matrices symmetric explicitly (may not be symmetric to machine precision from the inverse calculation for L) if (verbose) write(*,*)' Copy L, C, G matrices' ! Make the matrices symmetric explicitly (may not be symmetric to machine precision from the inverse calculation) do j1=1,jmax-1 Lmat(j1,j1)=Inductance_energy(j1,j1) Cmat(j1,j1)=Capacitance_energy(j1,j1) Gmat(j1,j1)=Conductance_energy(j1,j1) do j2=j1+1,jmax-1 Lmat(j1,j2)=Inductance_energy(j1,j2) Cmat(j1,j2)=Capacitance_energy(j1,j2) Gmat(j1,j2)=Conductance_energy(j1,j2) Lmat(j2,j1)=Inductance_energy(j1,j2) Cmat(j2,j1)=Capacitance_energy(j1,j2) Gmat(j2,j1)=Conductance_energy(j1,j2) end do end do ! STAGE 16: plot potentials to vtk file for visualisation if required if (plot_potential) then ! We write out the potentials in vtk format here.... ! calculate a scale for the problem scale=0d0 do i=1,N_nodes scale=max( scale,sqrt(node_coordinates(i,2)**2+node_coordinates(i,3)**2) ) end do ! write potential as a vtk file do j1=1,jmax-1 do j2=1,jmax-1 write(filename,'(A,A,I1,I1,A4)')trim(mesh_filename),'_V',j1,j2,'.vtk' open(unit=10,file=trim(filename)) ! write header information ! write vtk header write(10,'(A)')'# vtk DataFile Version 2.0' write(10,'(A)')'V.vtk' write(10,'(A)')'ASCII' write(10,'(A)')'DATASET POLYDATA' write(10,'(A,I10,A)')'POINTS',n_nodes,' float' ! write point data do i=1,N_nodes write(10,8005)node_coordinates(i,2)+ox,node_coordinates(i,3)+oy,real(phi(j1,j2,i)*scale) end do ! write element data (note node numbering starts from 0 in vtk format) write(10,'(A,2I10)')'POLYGONS',n_elements,n_elements*4 do i=1,N_elements write(10,8010)3,Element_data(i,2)-1,Element_data(i,3)-1,Element_data(i,4)-1 end do ! STAGE 6. write data associated with points ! write point based data write(10,'(A,I10)')'POINT_DATA ',n_nodes write(10,'(A)')'SCALARS Field_on_cells float 1' write(10,'(A)')'LOOKUP_TABLE field_on_cells_table' do i=1,N_nodes write(10,8020)real(phi(j1,j2,i)) end do close(unit=10) end do end do end if ! plot_potential ! STAGE 17: plot mesh to vtk file for visualisation if required if (plot_mesh) then ! We write out the mesh in vtk format here.... ! calculate a scale for the problem scale=0d0 do i=1,N_nodes scale=max( scale,sqrt(node_coordinates(i,2)**2+node_coordinates(i,3)**2) ) end do ! write potential as a vtk file filename=trim(mesh_filename)//'.vtk' open(unit=10,file=trim(filename)) ! write header information ! write vtk header write(10,'(A)')'# vtk DataFile Version 2.0' write(10,'(A)')'V.vtk' write(10,'(A)')'ASCII' write(10,'(A)')'DATASET POLYDATA' write(10,'(A,I10,A)')'POINTS',n_nodes,' float' ! write point data do i=1,N_nodes write(10,8005)node_coordinates(i,2)+ox,node_coordinates(i,3)+oy,0d0 end do ! write element data (note node numbering starts from 0 in vtk format) write(10,'(A,2I10)')'POLYGONS',n_elements,n_elements*4 do i=1,N_elements write(10,8010)3,Element_data(i,2)-1,Element_data(i,3)-1,Element_data(i,4)-1 end do ! STAGE 6. write data associated with points ! write point based data write(10,'(A,I10)')'POINT_DATA ',n_nodes write(10,'(A)')'SCALARS Field_on_cells float 1' write(10,'(A)')'LOOKUP_TABLE field_on_cells_table' do i=1,N_nodes write(10,8020)real(0d0) end do close(unit=10) end if ! plot_mesh ! format specifications for potential and mesh outputs 8005 format(3E14.5) 8010 format(I3,4I12) 8020 format(E14.5) ! STAGE 18: deallocate memory if (verbose) write(*,*)' Deallocate memory' DEALLOCATE ( node_coordinates ) DEALLOCATE ( Element_data ) DEALLOCATE ( N_elements_boundary ) DEALLOCATE ( N_nodes_boundary ) do i=1,N_boundaries_max if (allocated( boundary_info(i)%boundary_elements )) DEALLOCATE ( boundary_info(i)%boundary_elements ) if (allocated( boundary_info(i)%boundary_nodes )) DEALLOCATE ( boundary_info(i)%boundary_nodes) end do DEALLOCATE ( boundary_info ) DEALLOCATE( boundary_segment_to_boundary_number_list ) DEALLOCATE ( Mat_Prop ) DEALLOCATE ( Node_Type ) DEALLOCATE ( Node_to_Known_Unknown ) DEALLOCATE ( Vector_of_Knowns ) DEALLOCATE ( V ) DEALLOCATE( b ) DEALLOCATE( c ) DEALLOCATE( delta ) DEALLOCATE( eps_r ) DEALLOCATE( i_K ) DEALLOCATE( j_K ) DEALLOCATE( s_K ) if ( ALLOCATED(s_K_re) ) DEALLOCATE( s_K_re ) DEALLOCATE( i_K_rhs ) DEALLOCATE( j_K_rhs ) DEALLOCATE( s_K_rhs ) DEALLOCATE ( x ) DEALLOCATE ( x_tmp ) DEALLOCATE ( b_tmp ) DEALLOCATE ( v_tmp ) if ( ALLOCATED(K) ) DEALLOCATE ( K ) if ( ALLOCATED(KI) ) DEALLOCATE ( KI ) DEALLOCATE ( K_rhs ) DEALLOCATE( phi ) DEALLOCATE ( energy ) DEALLOCATE ( Capacitance_energy ) DEALLOCATE ( Conductance_energy ) DEALLOCATE ( Inductance_energy ) if (verbose) write(*,*)'FINISHED Laplace' RETURN 9000 write(run_status,*)'ERROR in Laplace opening the mesh file:',trim(mesh_filename) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 9010 write(run_status,*)'ERROR in Laplace reading the mesh file:',trim(mesh_filename) CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 9020 write(run_status,*)'ERROR in Laplace opening the boundary file:',boundary_file_name CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 9030 write(run_status,*)'ERROR in Laplace reading the boundary file:',boundary_file_name CALL write_program_status() STOP 1 END SUBROUTINE Laplace ! !_________________________________________________________________________________ ! ! FUNCTION ismember(number,array,size,element2) RESULT(res) ! return 1 if number is found in the array, 0 otherwise integer,intent(IN) :: number,size,element2 integer,intent(IN) :: array(1:size,1:2) integer :: res ! local variables integer :: i ! start res=0 do i=1,size if (number.EQ.array(i,element2)) then res=1 RETURN end if end do RETURN END FUNCTION ismember