# # makefile for creating PDF from LaTeX source # # This Makefile needs attention as a pdf file can be produced locally and not moved to the level above. default : SACAMOS_UserGuide.pdf LATEX_FILES= \ Tex/bibliography.tex \ Tex/creating_a_cable_bundle_model.tex \ Tex/creating_a_cable_model.tex \ Tex/creating_a_spice_cable_bundle_model.tex \ Tex/introduction.tex \ Tex/preamble.tex \ Tex/running_test_cases.tex \ Tex/running_without_GUI.tex \ Tex/running_with_GUI.tex \ Tex/structure_of_MOD.tex \ Tex/using_models_in_spice.tex \ Tex/appendix_kley.tex SACAMOS_UserGuide.pdf: SACAMOS_UserGuide.tex $(LATEX_FILES) TEXINPUTS=".:${TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY}/COMMON_LATEX_FILES:" pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode SACAMOS_UserGuide.tex TEXINPUTS=".:${TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY}/COMMON_LATEX_FILES:" pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode SACAMOS_UserGuide.tex TEXINPUTS=".:${TOP_LEVEL_DIRECTORY}/COMMON_LATEX_FILES:" pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode SACAMOS_UserGuide.tex help: @echo "make : make SACAMOS_UserGuide.pdf" @echo "make clean : clean LaTeX files" @echo "make clean_all : clean LaTeX files and image files" clean: rm -f *.aux *.lof *.log *.out *.toc *.pdf clean_all: rm -f *.aux *.lof *.log *.out *.toc *.pdf Imgs/*eps-converted-to.pdf